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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. In answer to your question @Akagi, I suggest that since both have opposite ideals one would one day start to fight the other -- but, you know where we can discuss. Also -6 Damn it merged Wrote this at GMT 16:01
  2. -2 Negatives are recovering some land, lost in the previous battle where Positives won.
  3. You mean, "drive"?
  4. 0 Doing it right now so we can record our observations about this thread (and the 2 previous ones!)
  5. 2 You know, between two posts... I got some ideas to caracterize Positives and Negatives as opposite people. One likes Day and the Sun (Positives), the other likes Night and the Moon and the stars (Negatives). I can make a "NW record" discussion
  6. 4 If you want to help me, you can go through the previous pages of the thread and get how each battle ended (Positive/Negative victory, or GM decision) and what happened (0, -1, -2, -3, ... ,-74, -75 or if there were 50 pages of struggle) and try to think of what it was, in a fantasy world (like Tolkien or D&D).
  7. 6 How do we deal in the storyline for the interrupted battle? A big, cold wind? Driving Positives back? And then battle started again?
  8. Just to remind me when there is a new page.
  9. @kerbiloid is on Windows.
  10. Yes. A new page!
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