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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Probably consider a "say no" thread XD
  2. We then can't talk about this game -- is would be necroposting (and you know mods don't like that!!!)
  3. Maybe? ... @Nazalassa was the impostor.
  4. Wasn't that egap wen kool yeh?
  5. What 'bout No Today?
  6. Yesteray, by The Beatles? Oh, wait. It's Yes Today. Yes Today...
  7. 0 This is gonna be Number Wars XD Try putting "yes" or "no" instead of "1" and "0".
  8. Negatives VS Positives, uh? Each time I login, I see a new notification about this thread. Yeeees! We're heading right towards TOTM! Yes, yes, yeeees!
  9. Yes of course, yes this is just yes.
  10. That's why I prefer KSP1. Versions 1 of games are always better than 2 and are never late.
  11. Yes yes yes or no no no?
  12. Yes, of course I'm gonna submit this thread for TOTM... Yes, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! And the croissants live in France. Yes!
  13. xkcd? I'm for Linux, definitely. I write this on a Linux. I read bedtime stories to my Linux. And I play KSP on my Linux. I just... love it!
  14. Have the problem too, do you know how to set a nvidia propritary driver that works (please)?
  15. It seems that France has two major features: Baguette and Croissant. (It also seems that every country can be reduced to food in the world...) Yes, no, no, yes! P.S: Ah, and other things too! Like every country in the world, in fact.
  16. With croissants (I like croissants). Yeeeees!
  17. This thread is a success -- I should propose it for Thread Of The Month Yes, of course!
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