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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Is a 280-part ship OK? It's supposed to by itself, not with other ships.
  2. Guess what it is... Fully Stock + DLC btw.
  3. Nope, but stellar soup. @SSTO Crasher how are you? It appears I have renewed the page.
  4. Currently working on an armored battleship (for reasons) The solar array can be covered if needed. There's also a small cargo bay at the back which can hold a Minishoot (small fighter): The Minishoot has 32 fireworks shoots, which can destroy the armor of the battleship. Maybe I will tune the firework velocity down a little. The battleship itself can have two fireworks modules, that go on the docking ports at the tip of the "wings". All firework modules can be replaced, since fireworks shoots can't be transferred like fuel.
  5. Two ways: Photoshop, GIMP, or any other image-editing software HUDReplacer (see example)
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