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Ooglak Kerman

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    Inselkampf refugee. Eager for technology

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  1. It appears this is the case. Bummer, but things change.
  2. Hopefully someone is still around here. Does KK work for setting a map decal in places like the area of the KSC with Parallax 2 installed? When I set a decal to suppress the scatters, all it does is raise the height of the scatters. I've read the primer that @Caerfinon did but KK is not behaving as expected with the Parallax 2 scatters.
  3. I apologize for being unclear about what I was requesting in the previous exchange. Absent the behaviour in CC, I was not asking for any feature. I'll head on back to the drawing board though. Thanks for this great mod, though
  4. The other possibility I can think of would be a MM filter that would detect successful completion of a given contract and enable the MM patch to load. Is that a node visible to MM?
  5. @siimav A feature recommendation if you please Behaviour to rename a .txt file to a .cfg (RenameTextFile) Example use case: enable a MM patch to add a resource or module to a part upon successful completion of a contract or parameter. It is understood that a game restart would be necessary.
  6. I'm looking to trigger a Module Manager patch based on CONTRACT_COMPLETED status of a contract. Can anyone help me with how I access that property? Thanks
  7. Can a CompleteContract REQUIREMENT be based on completion of THIS OR THAT contract? Context: A contract that is centric to OPM vs one that is centric to !OPM
  8. Anyone know if it is possible to access the state of a contract - I.E. contract complete - from ModuleManager? What I'm looking to do is to change the true | false of a PQSCities property if a specific contract has been completed. I understand that I need to be able to access that PQSCities property. I'm approaching this from both ends at this point.
  9. @Jason Kerman If you have not seen it yet - have a look at the latest version of Kopernicus - particularly the lethalRadius bit. I had a bit of a hand in this and am very familiar with it. DM me on Discord if you would like to discuss.
  10. It looks like you can nest vessel parameter groups. But the PARAMETER ReachState with a situation = ORBITING comes up true for all bodies. I can work with it I think
  11. Reviewing the doc, it looks like what I want is the type = ALL since I'm wanting all the child parameters/groups to have completed. Thanks for getting me moving again.
  12. Can a VesselParameterGroup be nested in another VesselParameterGroup?
  13. @siimav In the Kopernicus City and City2 nodes, there is an option to make the object to be a commnetStation. Do you think it would be possible for CC to do a BEHAVIOUR to set a persistent MM patch to turn that attribute on? Or possibly a attribute on the VisitWaypoint PARAMETER?
  14. Awesome! Thanks much. Well thought out. At what point was that attribute added? I'll need to make that version the minimum.
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