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Second Hand Rocket Science

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    I come out from under my rock once in a while
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    Being in a vegetative state

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  1. Thanks! A reinstall of TU fixed it. I assumed TU wasn't the problem because I had installed it via CKAN, but turns out even that messes up sometimes.
  2. Hey there, I'm having the same problem as ataylor was, but I've definitely got all the dependencies installed. TU, TURD, and a lot of configs for TURD to allow recolouring of mods like BDArmory and the NF suite, and the in-development Restock Recolour. Only mentioning those in case that could be a problem too. My mod list is extremely long, so I'll include this in spoiler tags in case there's a conflict: Here's my player.log (although I searched for "LazyPainter" and couldn't find any errors) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h60wk1uwyv0rdqtxvrix8/Player.log?rlkey=etvtg5y8in7yr0qsz2vmvnycu&st=krgudpdu&dl=0
  3. Yeah, I was helping a friend on the console edition of KSP (1.10 iirc) and was kind of freaked out at that placeholder asteroid thing. The friend has thankfully since moved to PC edition but it's a weird thing to keep around in the editor.
  4. Decided to dump all my SSTOs since in the time it's taken to make the above blueprint a grand total of TWO (2!) new SSTOs have entered service! K-002 Guardian class, built for LKO resupply missions. Far too much power from 2x Broadswords. About 750 m/s of Delta V in an 80 x 80 km orbit, if piloted correctly. The K-004 Guardian class, the by far biggest and best operational craft in the fleet. Originally built without high hopes as a tech demonstrator for the KH-Series Fuselage, she turned out to be able to carry more cargo, faster, higher, and more efficiently, than any other SSTOs in the fleet. Despite this however, a fuel imbalance killed the crew of the maiden flight, which was a gigantic oversight on the part of the Enterprises. Such a grievous error will definitely never happen again. 1200 m/s of Delta V (unloaded) in a 100 x 100 km orbit. Making my own thread is looking better and better...
  5. SFS vs KSP is a lot like Forza Horizon vs Assetto Corsa or Gran Turismo. One is a fleshed out simulator with real-world physics, and the other is in terms of realism only a few steps above an old-school arcade game. Not to say the arcade game isn't enjoyable, but it's not comparable, especially not in this context.
  6. Might try and make a thread for my terrible unique designs. Last time I did that it got abandoned though... so for now here's a rudimentary blueprint in the style I'd like to go for, heavily inspired by an old creator on here called Raptor9. Shame he deleted all his fantastic work.
  7. It's perfectly OK to always play in sandbox and use MechJeb to rendevouz... rendoveuz... rondeveusz...? Dock. Career is far too grindy.
  8. I'm unable to interact with my stages whatsoever. My staging indicators are completely and utterly empty, and when I attempt to stage, every stage on the rocket fires at once. Not because there is only one stage full of all the parts. Stage 0 has no parts inside it. I can't fly anything whatsoever and I need to figure out this problem above all else. I mean, it's such a strange set of bugs, I've never seen anything like this before. I wonder if BDAr- Oh. https://imgur.com/a/O3ATxu5 Oh no. UPDATE FROM FIVE MINUTES LATER So after validating my files none of my issues went away but something extremely weird happened. Early game I sent Jeb, Val, Bill and Bob on their separate doomed landers to the Mun and Minmus. They're all still up there, with Bob sadly being killed in an EVA accident. But I look at my available Kerbonauts and... Jeb and Bill have randomly appeared back in the Editor?? And the craft they were on have disappeared from Minmus?!? Please help. My save of over 100 hours is slowly corrupting and it's nearly making me cry. I've poured all my passion and motivation for this game into this singular save and now I can't even take off in a rocket.
  9. I've been having a lot of weird bugs with my modded KSP. Here's my modlist: Here's my player.log: https://mega.nz/file/lNpE2ShC#Yl0p8dZe0JQjCpwR6VVIt2C065tlH__AnwLlIm3UotQ While in editor, my craft will have entirely normal stages with engines and decouplers and such. When launching the craft, all stages disappear from the staging indicator. When you stage, all stages stage at once, causing explosions and associated problems. When spawning craft onto the Runway, an Easy Vessel Switch message pops up with something about "easing" and I change to a random craft that's landed on Kerbin. I can't change back. Also, the craft is stuck floating on the Runway. When time warping on Kerbin there is an obscene amount of stuttering and lag. Like, the game will freeze for 30 seconds straight, then run at 5 fps for 45 seconds, then freeze again. When spawning in craft, if you change windows while the game is loading, it breaks the craft, meaning you lose SAS, zooming in changes FOV instead of zooming, Z and X to throttle all the way up/down stop working, and stages don't work properly. Sometimes the zoom stops working entirely while inside the editor, needing a full game restart for it to function again.
  10. Old thread, but is there a way to add my own sounds? I'd like a less startling alarm for running out of EC, as I frequently do.
  11. With the water physics turned off... God damn you Imgur! I can't upload videos anymore! It just throws errors Well, I'm afraid the knowledge that you have all helped me build the most over-engineered and dangerous seaplane ever built will have to suffice. Thank you everyone!
  12. Any way to remove the water physics, but retain the snazzy graphic effects on the water? The seas are so choppy you can't take off from them in seaplanes
  13. Aw hell, I had suspected that, but my reasoning was that a purely graphics mod wouldn't feature a full rework of the water physics! Let me go and find out how to turn off the water physics revamp and I'll get back to you
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