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Second Hand Rocket Science

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Everything posted by Second Hand Rocket Science

  1. I'm gonna try deleting my current mods and letting CKAN do the work for me. I'll report back soon. Looks like either CKAN doesn't support KVV or it's too old to work. In the CKAN tutorial it says to click the box on the left, but the box on the left isn't there, instead being replaced by a dash. Not sure if this can be fixed.
  2. Alrighty. https://we.tl/t-oic7aIe5KY I added CKAN, but when I ask it to auto-update it says something along the lines of "You already have (insert file name).dll on your computer. Aborting download to prevent two of the same mods being downloaded to your device."
  3. Goddamn it! I hate this stupid thing! My new error message is: Kronal Vessel Viewer has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP\GameData\KronalVesselViewer. Do not move any files from inside that folder. Incorrect path(s): GameData\KronalVesselViewer-0.1.1\GameData\KronalVesselViewer\Plugins\KronalUtils.dll It's as if I've downloaded two KVVs, but you can trust me when I say there's only one in my GameData folder. I also forgot to update my dependencies. I'll do that now and report back. Updated dependencies. Now my dependencies work but KVV does not. Well, that's one problem solved.
  4. Thank you! That GameData folder was made by one of the dependencies when I extracted it; it immediately created a new GameData folder after extraction and nestled itself in there. I thought it was meant to do that. I'll fix these two problems and keep my fingers crossed. PS: I wouldn't call myself tech savvy, but I'm not normally this dumb!
  5. Alright, I'll look into CKAN. Didn't know that it existed prior from now. I went to Release Hubble · KSP-CKAN/CKAN · GitHub and followed the steps there, however when I run the .exe file like the instructions tell me a blank black box and something that looks like an altered version of Task Manager comes up. The aforementioned Task Manager is titled "Manage Game Instances" and it has a few options. There is "Cancel" "Delete" and "Add a new Instance to CKAN". There was nothing in the instructions about this. Could you tell me how this works?
  6. For not supported in 1.9.1, do you mean KVV or one of the dependencies? For wrong versions, do you mean I should update the dependencies to 1.12.0 instead of trying to get broken dependencies that are the same version as the older mod? For not having ClickThroughBlocker, it's currently in my GameData folder. I've only extracted it, and not touched it after that. Also, now I am getting a message on startup: Kronal Vessel Viewer has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP\GameData\KronalVesselViewer. Do not move any files from inside that folder. Incorrect path(s): GameData\GameData\KronalVesselViewer\Plugins\KronalUtils.dll Any help is appreciated.
  7. Since it's such an old mod, would updating KSP even do anything? I'd think that being an older version would actually help older mods a tiny bit. Of course, I'm no professional, but that's what I thought.
  8. Alrighty, here's some technical mumbo jumbo: Logs - https://ufile.io/dckc5wnu (I'm pretty sure this is the logs, I'm not 100% sure. Also, this is a link to download the file, you can't view it online with the site I picked) Installed mods - Kronal Vessel Viewer for 1.9.1, ToolbarController for 1.9.1, ClickThroughBlocker for 1.8.0. I've noticed that ClickThroughBlocker might be the problem and would appreciate a download for ClickThroughBlocker that is for 1.9.1. That's all.
  9. B8 Aerospace. Bad-Eight Aerospace does what you've always wanted to do while building planes! It makes all the wings 12 times smaller and 100 times less efficient, just to make your plans for a cool planes SCREW UP. It also adds some new jet engines which require the vacuum of space to work, which makes them... uhhh... tejs? Changelog V2 Made our wing pieces attract the attention of the Kraken. Now you can faceplant into your keyboard while being attacked by an interstellar time travelling space kraken! V3 You now have new cockpits that fit half a Kerbal! Time for your annual Kerbal sacrifices, to fit half a kerbal inside a cockpit!
  10. Hello there! Recently, I have been having major problems with Kronal Vessel Viewer. When I say major, I mean that the little button for KVV doesn't even show up. The mod doesn't work at all. I have downloaded the dependencies, but they haven't worked either. I have done what I do with every mod which is putting the extracted .rar or .zip into the GameData folder. I suspect two problems that I can't fix myself; 1. the Toolbar Controller and ClickThroughBlocker dependencies are for different versions, as one of them doesn't support 1.9 and only 1.8 2. the latest continued Kronal Vessel Viewer I could find is for 1.9.1 and I am running 1.12.2 Any help is greatly appreciated! Fingers crossed, SecondHandRocketScience, Founder and Chairman of Acorn Aeronautics
  11. I know this is asking a question within a question, but how did you get KVV to work? I've been trying all day and nothing works. The button just doesn't appear in my list. Kind regards, Second Hand Rocket Science, Founder and Chairman of Acorn Aeronautics
  12. Sorry, I hadn't looked into this! I'll use a link from Imgur. Thanks, mate! Founder and Chairman of Acorn Aeronautics Incorporated, Second Hand Rocket Science
  13. Hi again, I'm feeling pretty stupid today. How do you add screenshots to a post? I don't have an Imgur account and don't plan on making one so I can't use a link. Kind regards, Second Hand Rocket Science, Chairman and Founder of Acorn Aeronautics Incorporated.
  14. Sorry but I can't find the "edit profile" button. I'll keep looking and keep you updated. Got it now! Thanks a bunch!
  15. I'd also like to figure out how to change my account picture. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  16. @kerbiloid Unless something happened like the formation of our Earth where another planet just went "hey, I don't like you!" and hit Pluto, I don't think Pluto will grow any time soon. It's gravitational pull is tiny and it would have to be assisted somehow to become bigger. Probably. Don't ask me, ask a scientist!
  17. Hello! I'm a bit of a newbie here and would like some advice on working these forums. I'd like to change the sort-of "about me" section of my profile but I can't figure out how. Thanks in advance, Second Hand Rocket Science, CEO of Acorn Aeronautics and SCOTSPACE
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