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Zozaf Kerman

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Everything posted by Zozaf Kerman

  1. I don’t know if this will fix the 4th tutorial, but try getting the tutorial fix mod by @linuxgurugamer. Link: either get it from the download link, or you can just get it from CKAN. Also, the team has just neglected to update the tutorials. The real game has way less bugs. If you don’t want to get mods, just watch Matt Lowne’s “Lowne Aerospace 2” tutorial series.
  2. I have taken time to hide the golden cookie somewhere in the KSC. First person to guess the area gets it.
  3. I wish. TUBM has gone to duna with an SSTO
  4. Yes I totally uhgree thpt ending the letter crisis in English is 100% necessary to end prejudice with words.
  5. Granted, you do so well that the teacher thinks you cheated and gives you an automatic F. I wish for BIG SRBs in KSP2
  6. Hey! I have a book with that picture in it! The book is called Thing Explainer!
  7. Here’s a fresh own-made dinner with business-sauce on top. I want a bigger VAB.
  8. Banned for mentioning his honor and the holy council.
  9. Granted, you are stuck in a zero-g space room where nothing happens at all. I wish for Nertea to do good working for ksp2.
  10. Yeah… I’ll probably only get one of ‘em if i get it.
  11. I love throwing Jeb on a one-way return trip to Jool! (2)
  12. I dislike using the first letter of the English lexicon. The unspoken letter is crude, & it crushes people when you use it.
  13. Ok, here’s how it works: I start with a sentence, then the next person changes or adds a word in the sentence, and then the next person does the same thing, and so on. EXAMPLE poster#1: The big red dog runs along the road. (OG) poster#2: The big blue dog runs along the road. (1) poster #3: The big blue dog runs along the canyon. (2) etc… The numbers after the post signify the number of edits the sentence has had, and OG means it’s the original sentence. LIMIT OF 30 CHANGES PER SENTENCE! Credit to @Catto for the original idea. I’ll start: I love sending Jeb on a one-way return trip to Tylo!
  14. No, oddball has never gone to orbit. Is Pc or Console better for cooking fried chicken?
  15. Can I start one up like this? (With your permission @siklidkid)
  16. (This post doesn’t count) okay cool, are you going to update the rules for this? and maybe call the thread the “Ever-Morphing sentence game”? (just an idea)
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