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Everything posted by DrCHIVES

  1. If I had to be completely honest I would say multiplayer. I get that it will be an eventual feature in the game, but its literally the last thing listed on their road map. We don't even know how long this early access program will last. They have been known to last at least a couple years on other really successful releases like subnautica and the forest. I have a buddy that I play Luna multiplayer with, and we are excited for ksp 2, but he's made it clear that he doesn't want to shell out money for a game that we can't even play together on. He's not much of a single player gamer. So he's intending on waiting until the multiplayer is released to buy it. I know I will be buying it day one, and it will suck not being able to play along side him, and with that the potential knowledge gap that could possible develop if I'm picking up on things over the course of EA playing without him. So that's what I'm hoping someone will do. Take making a temporary multiplayer solution like Luna on so my buddy can join in on the early access fun.
  2. Pretty sure they are moving away from the generic "liquid fuel". Can't remember which feature video discussed this, but they were talking about the NERV engine. Mr. FRIDAY!!! himself talked about the ksp1 engines as being methanol engines and that ksp 2 will bring new and more complex and exotic fuel types. So I'd go with replacing if I had to guess.
  3. Lol this geeked me Where do I sign the contract
  4. I really wouldn't worry too much about this. Keep in mind that while we all love KSP1, it's a coders nightmare I'm sure. This was a game that started with no intentions of getting anywhere. Update after update it gained popularity but the fundamentals of the base structure of the game had been written on top of for so long bug management became a major issue. And not just bug management but simply overall efficiency and optimization. The devs started from the dirt and have built the sequel up taking in lessons learned from the first game. While the graphics do look much more impressive, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Unity is not known for very many games that have been gpu hogs. The reality has and will remain to be that ksp2 like 1 will be a cpu and ram dependant game. If your computer could run ksp 1, I have no doubt that ksp 2 will be able to run at the same capacity if not better than the first. The team has made major advances in dealing the stresses of the part based physics system and I have no doubt that whatever you built in ksp1 will run better in ksp2.
  5. That's a great point! While small in part count it was super smooth. Its also the only piece of gameplay footage we've seen without the "pre-alpha" stamp on it.
  6. One thing I am genuinely curious about though is that frame rate. It's mentioned in the comments pretty much every in game footage sneek peak we get. When you download the source video, the properties say that the render is 59fps. Now the capture could have been in 30fps and that's why it appears jumpy. The game could very well be running 60fps or greater smoothly. We are just perhaps not seeing this after the layers of capture, import, edit, render, upload... definitely a possibility! If this is not the case and what we are seeing is representative of what was shown on their screen, I still have hesitations to believe there is need for worry. This gameplay footage, like all past ones, is stamped with pre-alpha. Typically, as I understand it, these builds would not have any implemented optimizations. They are simply raw builds of the game. Given that the last dev diary spoke on the active status of localizing all of the text for language translation, I believe they are way beyond pre-alpha status. We just simply have not been shown the more optimized versions as everything is still in flux build to build. Would be nice though to get a comment from the devs confirming this and putting minds at ease. I seriously have a hard time believing that this is the performance level to expect with what appears to be ~30 parts craft. Not even ksp1 on a modest pc would really have an issue with that. Just wouldn't make sense knowing all they have done to make improvements on the part based physics system. Just my .02
  7. Awesome new footage!!! Smoke effects could use a little more work, but that terrain and textures look amazing. The atmospheric scattering is also breathtaking! The mun from a distance looks very inviting (such a tease) lol. The game is looking really good!!!
  8. Its ok man, relax. Things happen! I mean yeah sure it sucks we have had to wait a lot longer for the game, but I think many people here would agree with me when I say I would prefer to play the 2023 version than what could possibly have been the March 2020 one. The development is in a good spot right now. Be patient, I know it will be worth it!
  9. I am not too sure what to make of this one guys. I've reached out the the KSP2 team on Facebook and suspect that I will hear back from them Monday. I read the Developer insight that was posted yesterday around mid-day. It was written by @Just Jim and he explained his role as a writer for KSP2. I am not sure why, but when I got on today to update my Interactive Timeline: https://time.graphics/line/642556 I noticed that I could no longer find the dev post. It was located on the Kerbal Space Program website and announced as a link on their Facebook page. Now both the Developer Insight itself and the post announcing it are gone. I had simply scanned it but hadn't dived deep into it to source any possible hidden information (Deep Thoughts with the Deep ). My only thought is that it contained some piece of information the team was not ready to release. Hopefully this update gets reposted as I was interested in what it had to say. Perhaps Just Jim or @Nate Simpson are allowed to comment on this.
  10. That's awesome! Good to know the youtube algorithm is doing something haha. It's crazy, I started the channel for warzone content two years ago and never took off. Drop one ksp2 news video... boom 20 some subscribers right away. Thanks for the support!
  11. Added new release window. Also added the acquisition date of KSP IP per request from viewer with sound argument.
  12. So I went back and found it. Very first feature video that launched alongside the trailer. At about 1:35. It looks like a white dwarf with like maybe a g class yellow dwarf? Picture of binary star in feature video
  13. This is, of course, assuming that they spent the time, money, and effort building such a unique localized n-body system to only use it in one location in the entire game... I have a feeling we may see it in other places. We've seen what appeared to be a binary star system in a previous feature video. Can't remember which one, but it was when the game's music composer was talking about the opportunity of making the soundtrack for the game. Just my hunch. But I'm confident that we will see this n-body system in other locations.
  14. So Nertea has been apart of the ksp2 team for some time now and I suspect he had a huge impact in the field of radiators. Correct me if I am wrong but I do not remember seeing radiators that looked like the ones we saw in the procedural radiators show and tell in previous pre alpha captures. And I'm not talking about the procedural shapes. Nertea is the modder responsible for the Far Future Technologies mod in KSP1. He includes a set of radiator pieces that look much like the ones in the show and tell, minus the procedural part. and he really did his homework! It's not for looks. They may have an appearance that could be confused with solar panels but they are a conceptual interpretation of carbon fiber reinforced graphite composites. They have a very mirror like reflective property. Yet these are the supposed future for waste heat removal in spacecraft. Sure the developers could have gone with a design that looked unique compared to solar panels, but we've seen time and time again the developers' commitments to grounding everything in KSP2 to real science. 2014 dissertation on high heat dissipation in nuclear powered spacecraft by Briana Tomboulian . I am sure @Scott Manley would be able to elaborate further. Its a little beyond my knowledge in thermodynamics. Perhaps another "what Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach You" video? I for one would certainly be intrigued!
  15. You want my theory? After spending a lot of time putting that timeline together, I've discovered some patterns. If I had to guess, we will not hear anything this Friday in regards to a show and tell. Typically, they have historically gone radio silence after a feature series video. I'd love to be wrong though haha. That's my near future prediction. See what I did there @Nertea ? As for a far future prediction, oh God I can't stop myself haha, I suspect we will hear something in regards to a release date at Gamescom in late August. This will be the first time since covid that Gamescom will return. It is also where ksp2 was originally announced. We should also receive the final developer feature series video around that time. Following that, PAX West will be early September giving a follow up opportunity to promote following the release date announcement. All this will gear up for a October, November, or December release. But who knows, maybe there is something more to mentioning the moon landing in the most recent feature video and specifically showing the newspaper clipping with the date of July 21st (morning after). But I seriously doubt that would be the release date. I think they are a little further out than that. But maybe they will drop the last feature video on that day, with the release date. none the less, I would certainly love to add something to the timeline this Friday!
  16. You may or may not know this, but Squad does still have a big role in KSP2. After the most recent KSP update, many of the Squad members were brought over to help with KSP2. Some still remain at Squad, but they are mostly there for patch updates and bug fixes. But if you also didn't know, the original members of squad are long gone. After 1.0 release Squad was bought buy private Division in 2016 I believe, and most of the members since then have been new guys and gals. Both DLCs and 12 major content updates have been made with the new crew. So I really would not be concerned that KSP2 is by a different developing studio. I honestly believe that Nate Simpson will spearhead this game to be 10x more awesome than the first. He is the right guy for the job! You also got to keep in mind that these developer videos were already planned. they dropped a trailer for these videos along side the trailer announcement. The game was originally meant to release in spring of 2020. I have a huge feeling that a lot of the stuff that they are showing us isn't new by any stretch as it was already at least scripted. NDAs suck! Nate himself has mentioned on many occasions that they are way beyond what they are allowed to talk about. Private Division is the one keeping a tight leash on what the developers are allowed to reveal. I, very recently, would have also said that I believe that the game will be delayed again. But what I cant get past is the fine tuning that is being shown on the more recent show and tells and even this most recent developer series video. Beautification is usually a very late stage process in video game development. They most certainly would not be focusing on on terrain textures and atmospheric scattering if the core game wasn't built. I honestly believe we are very close now. But at the end of the day if there is another delay, I certainly do not think it will be a long one. I will be anxiously patient in waiting
  17. I remember listening to this haha, but yes, I did miss this... It has been added! thanks for the info.
  18. Thanks, I appreciate the support! yes, I have indeed seen the repository. I have studied that quite frequently for my own personal knowledge. Its Amazing work @The Aziz! The purpose of my Timeline was to have a streamlined way to view all the official content that has been released by the developers as well as a way to visually see the cadence at which certain things have been released. Like for example, the window for the Feature series videos are between 4 and a half to 6 months. I worked to have this timeline released Yesterday, as I knew we were coming to the end of the release window for another developer feature video. If the current cadence continues I would expect to see another one before the end of September. Being that Gamescom is in late august this year, I have a sneaky theory that we will receive something big around then (hopefully the drop of a release date in November or December. At least, this is my prediction haha.
  19. Hey everyone, My name is Kevin, my friends call me Chives. Long story behind that one... You might recognize the DrCHIVES account name from the post regarding the KSP Developers not planning on attending PAX East this year. That post kind of blew up in a way I hadn't quite intended. I think a lot of people assumed that my post was negative towards the status of the game. This was not my intention at all. I know that the Devs are working hard and that what we've seen from them only reassures me that this game will be absolutely amazing! Funny, I've been playing KSP since 2012, only payed like $4 I believe, and with over 2000 hours in the game I've never made a KSP forum account. At 4 dollars, I have gotten more out of this game than any $60 game, or any game for that matter. I am eagerly awaiting the sequel! On that note, I am writing this post to share something that I have been working on for a while now. Throughout the development of this game, I have found it difficult to navigate much of the information that has been released about the game be it show and tells, developer diaries, feature videos, interviews with the Devs, and so on. Much has happened on these fronts, however, between all of the different social mediums that Private Division utilizes, many people appear to be left out. Now I know many of us forum members will be pretty up to date on everything as, collectively, most of the news is posted here in the different forum tabs. However, a large percentage of the KSP community do not appear to be. I have based this on the many posts on other mediums that seem to ask questions on topics that have already been answered. Early on, I expected one of the bigger names in the KSP community to fill the role of becoming a regular source of information regarding news on KSP2. This has not happened apart from the occasional post to the like of "where is it now" videos. I figured that since I obsessively research any updates on the game already, I might as well try my hand at that. So along with this post I am sharing a link to an actively maintained interactive timeline that I have made regarding all KSP2 news from its announcement in August of 2019 until its hopeful 2022 release. Also, I will begin to post regular update videos to the cadence of the show and tell posts dropped by the Devs or any news that may pop up in the two weeks that typically make up a show and tell cycle on my YouTube channel. If you find this informative, and want to support this, please subscribe to the youtube channel and like the videos! Unfortunately, the awesome timeline website that I have used to build my interactive timeline does cost me to maintain. I will be actively supporting it and the YouTube channel for a while, until I determine whether people are finding it helpful. Please feel free to contact me also if you find any official news items that have popped up that I have missed. It was a lot of old information to sort through when building the timeline. Thanks Again, DrCHIVES Interactive KSP2 News Timeline DrCHIVES Youtube Channel
  20. I apologize if my post came across as me having doubts as to the state of the game. This was not my intention. I have nothing but extreme confidence in the ksp2 dev team! They are some of the biggest ksp fans out there and it shows in their dev vlogs. @Nate Simpson is a freaking beast and I get super giddy anytime he talks about the game whether it be in videos or here on the forums. All my intentions were, was to point out that we might be waiting a little longer than 2022 based on information I received. I just have been seeing everyone talk about 2022 and I guess I wanted to help out with the expectation management.
  21. You are right, there is still time to hype the games release following a missed PAX East opportunity. However, I believe E3 was cancelled as an In person event. not sure how an online event would work... Gamescom will return this year in August in Germany. I would certainly expect something from them there with or without another delay in place, as that is where they dropped the initial trailer for the game as well as the world largest gaming convention. I Imagine there is time enough to promote the release date then assuming a November or December launch.
  22. I reached out on the KSP Facebook page on their plans to attend PAX East this year. I have never been to one of these types of gaming conventions before, but with the idea that KSP2 has attended past PAX events, I was interested in planning the trip to Boston for the event. Considering that KSP2 is, by all up to date accounts from the developers, to be releasing before the end of the year, I figured that they must have something promotional wise to present at PAX this year. PAX East will mark less than 8 months from the 2022 timeframe dropped by Nate Simpson when they last delayed the release. I received a reply from that message earlier today with disheartening news. Intercept games, the developing studio behind KSP2, has no plans to attend PAX East. I am no marketing expert but, knowing that they have attended the past PAX events promoting KSP2, seeing them not eager to showcase their game months before release is concerning! I hadn't expected to receive a negative answer and was simply seeking reassurance before purchasing a Hotel and event passes. However, I feel that the answer I received told me more than I had asked. I began to think what this means for the release of KSP2. When you start adding all the pieces together (very limited info in show and tells, all in-engine renders or footage still stamped with "Pre-Alpha", no major uptick in promotional content, still no ability to pre-order, no significant gameplay footage...) I think it is safe to say we should be expecting another delay from the developers sometime in the near future. I find it very hard to believe, at this stage, that the game could be finished and released before December. I would be sad at another delay but I DO want them to take the time they need! I just wish we all had a magic 8 ball with an actual release date to look forward to. Perhaps I wish they had never dropped that trailer back in 2019 as it was very clearly premature and the waiting is killing me haha.
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