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    Ya i'm totally straight (He/They)

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  1. I think it was a bad download, I re-downloaded it and it works fine, all crafts work. Thanks for the help! :3
  2. I tried updating from the dev build on the 10th to the most recent dev build, for some reason a fair bit of parts are gone and some of my impotent craft broke. I went back to the older version and everything is fine, but is this gonna be a permanent thing?
  3. I download the Dev branch the 11th and the atlas PBR isn't working. I updated shaddy, shabby, and TU. Still don't work
  4. I just made a new RSS/RO install from CKAN in 1.12.5 The stock delta-v read out is disabled and extended burn time indicator ( i have the setting turn on) are not showing up. Is there any way i can get these back? Thanks in advance
  5. 1. none of those things have caused me any troubles 2. i fixed the issue by fully deleting Tundra and reintalling
  6. I've been having troubles with new Dragonv2 even since it came out, I haven't had to use it up to this point, but i would like to now. For some reason it's using the old models on all the parts that where in the older versions. Screenshots of the issue: https://imgur.com/a/RpszVnX Google Drive link to my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwOsrhmpl6gNS9QXvUdUtZVYYjXy0Jiw/view?usp=sharing
  7. As of 11:35pm EST on July 8th 2024. The KSP forums has been backed up to the Wayback machine. I think, I hope.
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