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Everything posted by guest10985

  1. I think it was a bad download, I re-downloaded it and it works fine, all crafts work. Thanks for the help! :3
  2. I tried updating from the dev build on the 10th to the most recent dev build, for some reason a fair bit of parts are gone and some of my impotent craft broke. I went back to the older version and everything is fine, but is this gonna be a permanent thing?
  3. I download the Dev branch the 11th and the atlas PBR isn't working. I updated shaddy, shabby, and TU. Still don't work
  4. I just made a new RSS/RO install from CKAN in 1.12.5 The stock delta-v read out is disabled and extended burn time indicator ( i have the setting turn on) are not showing up. Is there any way i can get these back? Thanks in advance
  5. 1. none of those things have caused me any troubles 2. i fixed the issue by fully deleting Tundra and reintalling
  6. I've been having troubles with new Dragonv2 even since it came out, I haven't had to use it up to this point, but i would like to now. For some reason it's using the old models on all the parts that where in the older versions. Screenshots of the issue: https://imgur.com/a/RpszVnX Google Drive link to my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwOsrhmpl6gNS9QXvUdUtZVYYjXy0Jiw/view?usp=sharing
  7. As of 11:35pm EST on July 8th 2024. The KSP forums has been backed up to the Wayback machine. I think, I hope.
  8. They act like the skids from Knes, cobalt did a great job with the skids and the rest of the x-15. Also nice to see you, you won't recognize me from my from username(can't change the thing womp womp) but me, @ItsJustLuci and you (there might have been someone else) played halo together once.
  9. Are there any plans for making Textures Unlimited configs for Atlas tanks? (shiny Atlas for anyone who doesn't know what Textures Unlimited is)
  10. https://imgur.com/a/zuK3dHi (Just the part were MORL solar panels are sticking out the side of the S-IV)
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