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Provisional Name 43

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  1. I have been wanting this in my modslist ever since it was showed on the KSPVR Discord server. I do hope it releases soon because VR is going to be amazing with this retro look.
  2. I've been needing to play in stock version due to the KSC having a bug with the ground which I find weird. Weird bug :/
  3. (I play in vr) I press activate lamp with EMU on and yet no light from them. I've been trying to figure out a solution besides pressing U to use it. Not sure if there is a way to bind it with the Toggle Lamp option.
  4. Seems odd that earth on my game has lack of clouds and atmosphere as shown hereIt seems dull in a way. Not sure if there is a fix for this
  5. The atmosphere seems to be off for mars not sure if it's supposed to be like this. Example
  6. The ground lifts up and I've been trying to fix it and can't find a solution. https://www.tumblr.com/magnificenthumanzonkturkey-blog/717176582501023744?source=share
  7. Not sure if this is normal but the onboarding camera stops working as soon as I launch.
  8. Any showcases of the newest version?
  9. Dumb question but I try to use my EMU helmet lights and they do not seem to turn on. Currently playing in the latest version of ksp.
  10. I downloaded it and added it to my ASET, but only get the standard Iva.
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