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Everything posted by yoyotam3

  1. Hi, The AirBlast RCS thrusters don't seem to work with just normal intakes. the aeroscoop parts seem to produce Atmosphere which would make them work I think, but it seems difficult to believe using them was the attention since they're from an entirely seperate mod.
  2. Hi @Angelo Kerman, I'm helping on a WIP modpack project. I'm interested in using this mod in the modpack, but there's one snag- The mining system. I'd prefer to use SCANSAT for prospecting and not have the limited resource nodes- is there any way to configure the mod to do this? It seems like planets only have Ore, Rock and GeoEnergy in their ore maps and all other resources are only in lodes. The major reason for this is MetallicOre. I'm using Sandcastle, and want to use Pathfinder to manufacture RocketParts from MetallicOre, so the limited and difficult-to-find MetallicOre lodes are a bit of the problem.
  3. I really hope someone can update this mod at some point. Water physics seem to be completely broken in a ton of very strange ways
  4. I'm playing MKS in science mode with kerbal experience enabled, but I can't hire any level 0 kerbals- I'm forced to hire level 5 kerbals because I'm in science mode.
  5. This would be really useful, but maybe should be categories or something instead of part names? Like have the parts still be in their original "Engine" category" but also another category corresponding to their placement in the ISP/TWR graph.
  6. I would love if lossless physics warp was fixed/reimplemented at some point. Right now it doesn't seem to actually do anything.
  7. oh i just figured it out didnt realise the gate also needed graviolium, thought only the traveler needed it
  8. space to ground doesnt seem to work either kerbin kerbin orbit to mun orbit doesnt work either, have the tolls just been set absurdly high for some reason?
  9. was the large jumpgates being usable on ground never implemented?
  10. Trying the jumpgate on the surface again, still not working https://imgur.com/a/7oDe3fW video of the jumpgate not letting me through
  11. I can't seem to use the large jumpgates-it keeps telling me I don't have enough graviolium. My vessel weighs 200 tons and i have 1600 graviolium- if it's 5 graviolium per ton that should be enough, no? Or is there some extra cost to warping planet-to-space? Or is it just not possible to use the large jumpgates to warp to space from ground in the first place?
  12. Maybe it's just the procedural fairings textures unlimited addon causing the issue though, i'll check
  13. blob:https://imgur.com/a0f9701a-3471-45ea-9ba0-d9490f7658f6Fairings seem to be very broken- All of these fairing are default stock white
  14. By large I mean VERY large, like built out of B9 aerospace HX parts scaled to max with TweakScale large.
  15. What is the best warp drive mod available for the current version? I want one that can be used with extremely large ships, so the Alcubierre Drive mod which has a warp bubble that parts cannot exit and cannot have more than one drive per ship doesn't really work for what I want to do.
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