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Everything posted by Hoovy

  1. Uploaded to imgur if people want to see it not sure if it will embed or not but yeah heres the link: https://imgur.com/a/ejhIxqK
  2. Just found a moon I think I need to explore look at that its so spiky
  3. Sorry I tried looking to see if this bug report already existed but couldn't find anything on it, but its probably because of what people call the mode, and saying different things I don't think it should be fixed in the standard sense, but something similar would definitely be appreciated, while making it easier to get in and out of
  4. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660 Super | RAM: 16 GB Basically, you get a different isometric orientation of the craft you are building if you turn off UI/UX while in the VAB, and in the isometric mode, then rotate your camera. This will always happen, craft or not, so it definitely doesn't seem to be part dependent. I personally think it could be used to take good screenshots of crafts, so instead of removing this ability fully, something similar to what it does would be nice, i.e just make the background blue and let the user rotate their camera however they want in a more intuitive way, or get rid of the background and just have kerbin could be nice. Something like those (except in the blueprint one, get rid of the lines, idk) could be really nice for screenshots I think, so just entirely fixing the bug may not be the way to go imo, but eventually something similar to this would be nice. Included Attachments: betterbugreport.mp4 craft.txt .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  5. I've only had my orbital lines disappear on me once, and it was after I loaded a quicksave. Reloading didn't help, but after I had restarted my game the issue was entirely gone, so if there are any values being set when the game is launched, or being set when the game is closed?, it may have something to do with that? Otherwise, I don't know.
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 Home 22H2 22621.2428 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660 Super | RAM: 16 GB I was about to launch a rocket, when I realized I had accidentally removed the stabilizers. I had sent the image of Ferdock Kerman to the Intercept Games KSP2 General, went to the launchpad, realized the stabilizers came off, reverted to VAB, and decided to send a picture of the crew to the KSP2 general chat. I then noticed that the shading on Ferdock was different, and the shading and skin tone on Tim and Mark J also appeared to be different, as well as some kerbals in the KSC. (I.e Tim looked paler and mark more vibrant, as well as the shading was a bit different) Considering how minor this bug is, I fully expect it to not be fixed for a while since you have more important things to work on, I just kinda noticed it after reverting a flight Included Attachments:
  7. It seems to be an issue with quicksaving and quickloading in general, I made a quicksave, then quickloaded that later, and despite only using mapview once, and being outside of it when I quicksaved, when I went into map view after, they disappeared. Everything was in the right place, except not a single orbital line was visible for any body or craft.
  8. Well, some devs are fine with having early access very early on, others not so much. Remember, if you use the long time that it’s been in development against it, you may be forgetting development troubles, such as developers being poached, COVID could’ve disrupted them more than they let on, and even more possible troubles. This is one of the results when they aren’t given enough time. Me. It’s open source, so you can literally read what it does before running it, if you’re that scared of random code. I know this isn’t really the place to discuss the state of the game like people and now I are, so here’s a little bit related to the post: Good job on catching this bug, though it’s definitely not why I reset my pc the other day, that was unrelated issues that could’ve possibly been affected by this.
  9. Does this come bundled with its own life support, or would I need to install USI as well? (I'm playing luna multiplayer with friends who don't want life support, but this seems like a cool mod and I can't see anything on it coming bundled with life support or not)
  10. ok, I got it working. I'm dumb. all I needed to do was take the ksrss folder inside the ksrss folder inside the ksrss zip folder you see, this is why shampoo bottles say to not consume, except technology instead of shampoo
  11. Someone should put instructions on how to download, I have no clue which file to use in my gamedata
  12. Log since it wouldnt let me copy paste to a spoiler or smthn and I didnt know what part to grab
  13. Aight also heres what it looks like is there any mods I need besides scatterer and environmental visual enhancements redux?
  14. Tried to use those, however I was unable to see any form of clouds on kerbin, or other planets. The only thing I saw was a higher quality blue atmosphere, that looked more atmospheric that previously, though looking at the stock gu visuals, even the atmosphere doesnt appear the same. I'd put a picture, but rn I don't have time to start ksp back up again.
  15. If there any mods I need for stock visuals, since with just galaxies unbound the visuals are back to default ksp atmosphere visuals etc.
  16. Ok so it was likely a faulty config with spectra, just swapped to astronomers but uh yeah Should I just get a higher tier of astronomers visual pack or what? As of now I kinda know this isnt really related, however I havent had this problem until after getting galaxies unbound which is why I am still posting here. Also, where would the logs be? This isnt a game crashing glitch or anything so I dont see any notification about logs and I dont know where the file would be located
  17. Prior to downloading this mod I had used birth of time interstellar, however when at the KSC or in flight (in low atmosphere at the very least, never went very high) appeared entirely black during the day with glowing white oceans and during the night looking like ksc during a normal night but a bit darker as well as the oceans still glowing white. Other than that, it looked fine and normal with our other mods via tracking station, main menu, and high spaceflight. Uninstalling birth of time interstellar it fixed it, however once I downloaded this mod (and its dependencies), this happened instead. If anybody has an idea on how to fix it, I would appreciate your answers, as I would rather not uninstall this mod.
  18. Ok, so I tried and managed to get it to 0.00 atleast, but not NaN since that would be practically impossible, its just what the wiki calls "0.00"
  19. I tried using this mod to get AN and DN to 0.00/NaN but idk how Edit: Sorry for not clarifying but, I would like to ask how to do that specifically, as well as getting two orbits aligned for a rendezvous
  20. Fun fact. In low earth orbit, astronauts are already at high risk of radiation poisoning. The astronauts on the ISS typically receive 12-28.8 milli rads per day, even with how close they are to the earth and how well built the ISS is. Radiation sickness takes place at about 100 rads, with it getting lethal at about 400 rads. Sure, 12-28.8 milli rads per day isn't much, and someone could stay on the iss for quite a while before they get radiation sickness, but the ISS is quite close to the earth, and still within its magnetic field, meaning radiation could affect someone more the further out they are from the earth, or any planet with a magnetic field. For example, on the moon, one would take a substantially larger amount of rads in per day than on the earth, taking about 2.6x more rads on the moon than the earth, being on average, approximately 30-100 milli rads per day, if my math is correct. The reason I took a 100 rather than a lower number, and rounded down to the 30, is due to the fact that for part of the month the moon is (at least) partially in the earths magnetic field, or completely outside of the magnetic field, and also because I cant find anything about the more exact milli rads per day.
  21. Sorry if I didn't clarify myself, I meant specifically what told you that the heliopause is strong enough to cause harm. I don't remember ever saying it was the heliopause that caused any damage, I mean the interstellar medium instead, or rather, what is on the outside of the heliopause. And even then, again, as I've said for the third time now, I re-read what I saw, and it doesn't instantly vaporize you, but it has a large amount of radiation which would easily cause radiation sickness to occur much more quickly, as well as starting to ruin electronics if not prepared properly (See the voyagers, personally not sure how they dont get ruined by the radiation, but they don't)
  22. Ok, so, I just searched up what interstellar space is called, figured out that it is the interstellar medium, which of the voyager 1 was the first manmade object to reach. Heres the wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_medium#CITEREFHaffnerReynoldsTufteMadsen2003 Here is the encyclopedia britannica (For those who don't know what it is, it is literally just wikipedia but people are hired to work on it, not public work so it can't be messed up entirely for a time.) https://www.britannica.com/science/interstellar-medium I just skimmed through this, so I don't know how accurate it is, but here is a white paper on the subject. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1307/1307.0712.pdf
  23. Also Pthigrivi, nice diagrams you found there. I also like how in the upper diagrams, it shows CMEs. Fun fact, in 2012, a CME missed us by roughly 9 days, which if it had hit, while it wouldn't be the end of the world, it still would have shut down most electronics and servers, wiping lots of data off the earth, a long with non data based machines (I.E. telegrams, sure they are technically data based machines, but they dont store data) functioning while being unplugged, and seeing aurora borealis much closer to the equator. This exact reason is one reason why I am personally excited for photonics, which while it might be possible to be intergrated into ksp2 as "faster" or "stronger" probe cores, or electronics more resiliant to radiation. I don't know if photonics actually get damaged by radiation like regular electronics do, but if they don't, then that could be a good option for interstellar probe travel.
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