Hi! First of all, I just wanna say that this set of mods is AMAZING! I've always wanted to explore the real solar system in stock scale so I can't thank you enough. I really hope I'm not being annoying, but I do have a few issues I would really like to solve:
1: Saturn has no rings. I know other people have had this issue, and I read that they didn't have the right eve installed. I downloaded my version of eve from the link provided here just to be sure, and I deleted the boulderco folder.
2: Europa has no geysers and Io has no lava (I sent probes to both to make sure it wasn't just a map glitch)
3: Earth does not have the real space centers. I can see they're in the files, however they do not appear on any map. I wasn't sure if they're supposed to be there, but that would be really cool if they are.
Again, I may be an idiot, but I've done everything I can think of to try and sort it out so if anyone has any tips or help I would owe you all of my gratitude.