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Everything posted by AntiAirCannon23

  1. Hi, @linuxgurugamer, due to maybe a bad install, I can't seem to toggle the surface config from 'lifting' to 'not lifting', and the reverse, is there an option in-game that prohibits me from doing so?
  2. Could there be a way to make TCA compatible with Firespitter Rotors?
  3. It is also worth mentioning that the affected aircraft worked flawlessly before I reinstalled the mod
  4. It is stable from the flights I did without any payload to diagnose the problem
  5. Hello! I came here to report issues pertaining to internal bays, as after emptying the payload, the craft augmented by Atmosphere Autopilot suddenly just jerks downwards and I lose control, is there a fix to this?
  6. Sorry to bring back a dated thread, but is there a way to integrate BDArmory Targeting Pods into RPM Monitors?
  7. Hi, since installing this mod, I may have had a few issues concerning the camera wobble in the map screen, I'm certain Scatterer is the cause, as I tried removing it and the camera wobbling disappearing, though that works, I would like to keep the mod installed in my gamedata folder, could there be a fix to this?
  8. Do the spaceplanes function well in FAR?
  9. Where can you find LiftWing.1?
  10. Hi, I've been having issues with the Enterprise, and most likely the Liaoning, in my game. Issues with spontaneous bouncing and subsequent spinning once placed in the water for a period of time that makes it a bit impossible to use Though I've already found the culprit to be Ferram Aerospace Research, which maybe affecting buoyancy or water physics, is there a way to fix this without completely removing FAR?
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