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  1. I know you haven't been around in a long time, but I wanted to let you know I loved your profile pic!

  2. Same. Both download links lead to 404. They may have removed the mod for personal reasons. Only time will tell if they return?
  3. It's a really handy trick when you don't have a parachute unlocked yet. Edit: Now that I've put about 10 hours into this tech tree I really really like it. Genuinely like it. I can focus on the areas that I need or want based on my gameplay as opposed to focusing on the unimportant stuff for my gameplay or mission just to get to the items I do need.
  4. Without USI Sounding Rockets there are no starting rockets, pods, or probes. This means you can't launch a rocket (no rocket parts) and can't EVA to gather KSC science (no pods to put a kerbal at launchpad). It's doable with USI Sounding Rockets on career mode w/ starter contract "Launch a rocket from launch pad". I hadn't thought about science career mode or otherwise not playing with contracts. Hm...I guess maybe you could get science using a sounding rocket by putting barely any fuel into it and just enough thrust to lift. Then recover it for the tiny amount of science? That might be enough to unlock a parachute for it.
  5. Decided to give this a try with only it's hard dependencies, but it isn't possible to progress. Though the game runs there are no parts available to gather the initial science requirements that unlock pods, probes, or cockpits. Maybe adding instruction to give 5 - 10 starting Science if USI Sounding Rockets is not installed? That should be enough to at least unlock probes or cockpits and allow for collecting of science doing grounded EVA walks.
  6. bansquid is banned by banpteranodon.
  7. Is this still the case? I can't add RR_TankSwitchForSquad.cfg because of RealFuels. RR Parts extra seems to work, but I don't understand why RealFuels doesn't have LqdNitrogen for any of the tanks (I understand that part is a RealFuels issue/question). Edit: Is there a way to harvest Nitrogen without Kerbalism?
  8. Oh wow! I might finally be able to use BDB! Would you consider adding support for: Smart Parts Radial Heat Shields Pathfinder
  9. Thank you very much. Looks like I was overcomplicating things quite a bit. Edit: I got it working! Snacks is now Food Soil is now Waste Water requirement Water usage outputs Dirty Water Fresh Air is now Oxygen Stale Air is now Carbon Dioxide This means it now works with RealFuels so other tanks can be used for life support resources as well. I did run into some issues with SSPX. I was able to do a rough edit to the SSPXSnacks.cfg to get it to work, but I'm gonna need a bit more practice with Patch Manager syntax to clean it up. Again thank you!
  10. I did have a few questions. How should I go about determining storage unit capacity? I'm guessing a command pod should generally have enough capacity for 1 day for a full crew, but what about the dedicated storage containers? I settled on 1.5x QTY for Snacks so the amount of days worth of supply is the same. After doing all of this I realized I'd rather use Community Resource Pack for Waste (soil/mulch), Water, Waste Water, Oxygen (Fresh Air), and CarbonDioxide (Bad Air). No idea how to go about doing that though, but that's probably out of scope for this thread.
  11. The comments were very good! I had already taken a look at them to see if I could create one for water. It's actually why I was wondering if there were ones already created. I made one myself, but I haven't tested it yet.
  12. Is there a list of popular resource configs for Snacks! ? I really want to play with it, but just food (snacks), air, and stress isn't enough for me. Hoping for Water as well, but also kinda curious if anyone has pushed the complexity limits yet.
  13. Banned for excessive use of an acronym and for having too many '2's in one post..
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