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Everything posted by Kerbal123_Furry

  1. noticed the "nostril" on the forehead.
  2. Offical trailers, you can hear kerbals talking and screaming !
  3. Can kerbal breath with their skin? They have no nose or gills,but they do have lungs because they can speak. Can they gain O2 from their green skin?
  4. Jeb found out that the KSC is the only space center in the world. Jeb noticed that his mission partner is his furry self(Green cat which can speak and walk and use paws like kerbal's hand and also badass) and they are in the same cockpit, his furry self is slowly dropping cat fur.
  5. SE You can only teleport TO someplace but cannot return in 10 yrs SP Get an A+ or 100 points in every test
  6. Jeb isn't scared by wiped ot ofU the timeline. He can use jetpack to return. Jeb found himself turned into a green fluffy cat. (what FURRY JEB???!)
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