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Everything posted by Hutsul228

  1. We need SOMETHING. Few more weeks of radio silence and only people who will play this game are going to be developers.
  2. In ksp 1 it was like Kennedy sc. In ksp2 it sounds more like Boca Chica.
  3. There was a topic about user who found a list of possible planets in ksp2. I can't find it anywhere. Has it got deleted ?
  4. There is a problem. I see no claws for asteroids and them either. Why nobody noticed it yet ?
  5. Ultima ? .... You can officially call yourself a founding father of gamers.
  6. Hype train needs fuel ! De-Hype and He3-Hype for massive hype Daedalus
  7. Hm... I am probably not atomic bomb engineer, but I think that nukes pulse units are not scalabe smaller that for 10m orion. The smaller the nuke pulse unit the smaller fission element. The smaller fission elemet the more complicated fission system needed.
  8. Neat future launch vehicles had helicopter turbines as one part like those on helicarier from marvel
  9. Hope that means argon-lithium propulsion and giant helicopter turbines
  10. Engine cluster could be connected by docking port, or you can send it in one peice docking port first and cover it with one part
  11. You don't even need fairing. Tank is spherical, aerodynamic enough. It's kerbal space program, not Aladdin space program and rocket is not "Bearded death "
  12. Flat kerbin society Also wonder who will be head of SAFE company ? Koppenhiemer Kerman ?
  13. What the hell is Dres ? Are they adding new planet/moon in kerbol system? "Kerbin to kerbin Orion"... sounds like icbm²
  14. Who knows, probably we even get some new parts for actual sailing crafts like boats. On VAB screenshots we can see subcategories of capsules and cockpits. Hope we get some ..."Bridges "? Like on ships.
  15. I hope they keep the skybox. It reminds me of this soviet song about cosmonauts And dream we not of the thundorous spaceport, Not of this icy expanse, We're dreaming of the grass outside the home, The green, green grass It's about home , so close but yet so far away
  16. Or something more classic like: "Ain't we dreaming of rubling of the launch paaad Nor this ice-cold space We dream of grass, a grass near hooome The green, green grass" Gosh I love those soviet space songs
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