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  1. thanks for the reply, yeah your right but alot of them like mig-31 engines, the soloviev d-30, i would really like with the stock stuff yk, anyway thanks for the answer
  2. This might be a weird question but is it possible to get the giant selection of jet engines without the features of AJE?
  3. so the tsar bomba doesnt do any damage, any idea how to fix?
  4. no, not the kraken, ive done it what feels like a million times before installing BDArmory and it has never happened
  5. idk if it is this mod but it is really annoying, the Firebottles, When i fly my super sonic jet at mach 4.3-4.5 (Changes in altitude), i normally fly at 16.200 meters and then the small fireball apears on one of my tanks and takes my fire bottles and then expldoes my craft, it is getting really annoying, does anybody have solution? Thanks!
  6. so mechjeb doesnt work with any cockpit execpt if you have the part on and mechjeb normally just works wether its the Mk-3 cockpit or BDB apollo capsule etc, any idea what it could be? Player Log: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XJhiguQ2QwmTn8OfGsfXMwrsYq8O8YQt?usp=drive_link
  7. so i have some problem with some mods and its bugging some out like mechjeb wont show up and tufx wont change color in tracking station and map view, anybody willing to take a look at player log? and see whats happening? thanks. Player.log: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sUBVdH12cbWXWeVygpE_TpjGqP4HHSwM?usp=drive_link
  8. i see there are configs for parallax 2.0, but the scatterers dont work, so i dont get rocks on the moon surface and other places, any idea whats happening
  9. I am using sandbox, i use 1.12.3 as alot of the mods i use dont really have it fun with 1.12.4 or 1.12.5, But ill try What you suggested (Im not Good at logs, so would it be okay if i send you my log then?)
  10. i first tried to delte the old verison i ahd and install the latest one, first manually and then it said that it was wrongly installed like saying it was in entire diffrent folder but i didnt move anything then i tried ckan and didnt want to at first but then it would and it didnt say anything same with manul i think it work because i deleted everything with hull cams, the docking cams work but i dont have the cameras and telescopes
  11. would you like to see my ksp log instead then?
  12. oh thanks man, although it is wierd as i havent had a problem with it before but heres my file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j603vu1zxgyulubz8lzw0/Player.log?rlkey=u1dswp0izuiryk31fpvx9n07d&dl=0
  13. hey so ive installed it and it doesnt say anything is wrong but doesnt work like it doesnt say its wrongly installed or anything but the parts wont show up but docking cameras work, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  14. i have some pics ill show you Mars north and southpole (to show the color diffrence, idk if its meat to be that im sorry) Earth north pole (Just a bloody ocean) Mars north pole from orbit (same as yours) (sorry for late response)
  15. Some more Bugs i have are that, My mars has no north pole as when i try and land their its just the same color as every other place on mars, and when i try to look at the ground from my vessel it becomes transparent but that doesnt have anywhere else, you can be 1 CM from the north pole and you would be fine, my earth doesnt have a north pole either, when i try and go there its just water, earth has a south pole, but mars doesnt, well it has but its just a much lighter red but when i look from the vessel, the ground doesnt become transparent. any help will help.
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