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Wheehaw Kerman

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  1. I fully intended to ignore the story. The monuments were surprisingly… non-terrible, but the fact they went all in on the ancient aliens thing was a disappointment. “Because it’s there” is more than enough.
  2. I’d like to say thanks for your Long Term Laythe series. I enjoyed it immensely, learned a ton from it, and have revisited it several times over the years. Great stuff. Hopefully the forums will be here for a while yet, but in the event that they do disappear, to the mods and everyone, so long, and thanks for all the fish. It’s been a real pleasure.
  3. I liked the guy - he came across as a good, likeable communicator. And I wanted to believe him. But insofar as his failure helped sink a game that I had high hopes for, I’m neither surprised nor sad about the consequences of said failure, although I’m not going to cheer them, either. This was predictable.
  4. Just a game. Admittedly, one I spent 5.4K hours in over the past twelve years, but still just a game.
  5. A bit disappointed, but I got my $50 worth in terms of dollars per hour of entertainment, we still have the original, and ultimately, it was just a game.
  6. I’m pretty sure I was the first to land on Jool’s surface, very early on. Decided to take Val skydiving. Imagine my surprise at discovering Kerbal parachutes hadn’t been implemented. I was even more surprised when she touched down…
  7. We may find out more after today’s earnings call.
  8. Speaking of KSP visuals, SpaceX really do seem to be actually trying to validate KSP2. First IFT-1 starts tumbling, IFT-3’s reentry footage looked very reminiscent of the For Science! re-entry effects, and of course the whole hardwar-rich rapid iterative testing approach…
  9. Late to the party, but the Horn Section’s superior ISP may become very important when we have the rest of the game in place, and resource constraints in the hinterboonies make fuel efficiency paramount.
  10. Has nybody else changed their opinion of the re-entry effects in light of the re-entry footage from IFT-3?
  11. Can’t really speak to the tutorials - haven’t looked at them much. Paige lacks The Right Stuff - she NEEDS to be more Deke Slayton or Molly Cobb and a lot less Annoyingly Chipper Barista. The game is about a space program. It needs more steely-eyed missile kerb vibes - more KSP1 Jeb. For a mode titled Exploration, we seem to be not doing very much exploring and science gathering. Right now “Relic Hunting” seems a bit more apt. I’d love to see a bit more variety in the science instrumentation, more regions to hit, and more missions per CB - the progression seems very rushed. The Mun deserves more than a few shots.
  12. This probably is why I’ve only noticed the chutes not opening big once - I always stage chutes with the last stage to drop before re-entry, which I do once it’s fuel is depleted, almost always before it hits atmo.
  13. The Big Dumb Booster was a concept back in the day - e.g. Sea Dragon. Big, high thrust, simple and cheap makes a lot of sense before reusables. So there’s precedent to “dumb boosters” as a turn of phrase.
  14. Chonker may be disguised training for Colonies.
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