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Jacob Kerman

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    unlicensed nebula dealer
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    May you always land on the bright side of the moon!

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  1. I know its not much, but I was happy to get back into and have a good flight almost immediately! I will be posting once i can get the land-y bits of the lander on there and make it sustainable, as well as eyeball a good LZ.
  2. So, after a long exodus, i return to these beautiful forums! I see many great things, like the Firefly mod, new crafts, and my personal favorite, the continuation of the Great Number War! I, after some long personal struggles, have found time to finally relax, and have finally came into ownership of one VERY wicked PC! And accompanying me, new stories, my first experience with mods, CKAN, and the issues of to add moar boosters or even moar boosters. These aren't really any dedicated missions, just trying to get back into the feel of things again since my Xbox days almost a year ago, but i am working on a current base setup using the TAC mod, and I hope to soon rebuild the module I just crashed into the Mun and much more to share! This one was just a test run a lander i was building without all the...land-y bits. The goal was to do a successful fly by within 5 kilometers of the surface. It actually faired very well, much better than i thought it would! Blowing the fairing off after I drop the launch vehicle! I got really lucky on the intercept, i forgot to plan for a window, but it turns out i didn't have to! The rest is from my flight around the moon, including circulation, my descent for the close flyby, the ascent, and then the flight back with re-entry and splashdown! This flight was much more enjoyable thanks to the wonderful graphics of Waterfall and EVE.
  3. Top of the rocket, Jack! For me, it started with learning about space flights past, and it just clicked with me. Now all the sudden, im planning my career for areospacial engineering. Largely due to KSP! I hope your rockets fly straight, and not wobble TOO much!
  4. I can respect that. your probably right, it would be much more fun. But, after the outrage that took place in the beginning with bugs and crap like that, i think their focus is getting it ship shape ASAP before any multiplayer
  5. Im gonna have to agree here. I think one of the big major, only bad things about KSP 1 was no multiplayer. Even in the state the game is in, it would be a blast. Im sure there is quite a few people waiting for it. That said...i would rather have a complete game, than a broken one with a few friends. Unless its funny-broken. Then we just become laughing idiots for hours at a time.
  6. that was some groundbreaking knowledge you just dropped. but i have another question, sire: is your job boring? or just repetitive? and do you enjoy it?
  7. i might try that. the closest i got to dres was -25m, after crashing into it at 36,000 mps. i do not advise that route.it was supposed to be fun and cool looking as i blew past the planets surface.
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