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Everything posted by Andrw

  1. I am extremely exited to find out the secrets of life on lapat, I have heard that it will be an planet with big life there, so I would like to try it out and stream it. The other comment with email joyoga13@gmail.com was mine as well
  2. This is the best planet pack so far I have found!! It does not require much power so I can operate it without my ksp shutdown in the middle of the game!!! That is number 1 Number 2 - Not so much disk space compared to other major planet packs. Number 3 - Over 100 celestial bodies? That is insane! Number 4 - Thank you so much!!! Question - Are there working Wormholes in this mod?
  3. Hot Black hole with lava worlds orbiting around it
  4. Number 1 - Planet Kerbin Real Weather, a bot that could create Kerbin Weather. 1 - Thunderstorms 2 - Not Dry Weather 3 - Winter, Spring, and Fall Number 2 - Terrain Earth-Like Terrain, It would be extremely cool if Kerbin Had Earthlike Terrain. 1 - Rivers, and Lakes 2 - Forests 3 - Dessert Sandstorms 4 - Why do only Kerbins Habit the planet? Why not Dinosaurs, and fish as well? Why the Kerbin system? Why not the Kerbal galaxy with millions of systems in it, and a black hole in the center? It would be way better with more parts!!! Gold Mining!!!!!
  5. Hi, I have started to recreate my ksp with mods, but I don't know what to use !! Please Help me out and suggest something Kerbal System Dres Killer Base Jungis planet anything else that adds more planets, galaxies, and systems? Parts Far Future, and Near Future Propulsion Stocklike station redux anything else you like? Enviroments Enviromental visual enhancemens Parallax Kerbal Konstructs Anything else?
  6. I got about plenty of space in my pc, like about 351 GB, but the program just takes to much power to opperate, Is there something that can fix this?
  7. Hi, I have tried installing some mods in ksp latest version [ planet packs ] It seemed to work fine, but when I installed some part mods, the program just crashed. It seems like the program just uses up to much space. Is there a better solution, like a older ksp version that doesn't take much power, and plenty of space for many planet packs as well as part mods.
  8. I tried making an interplanetary starship that would carry 177 kerbals, I did make it but when I tried to refuel it on Duna, my converter failed after I got only %27 filled into the storage container, I decided to use time warps to get to Jool which was my destination, but failed. My fuel ended and I crashed into Jool and killed all my kerbals.
  9. I am thinking of starting creating some mods for ksp, and also posting forums about how to properly install the mods from other creators, like first I will have it tested in mine, and then I will post step by step instruction, who likes this idea?
  10. Hi, I am trying to find some parallax, and planet packs specifically for ksp 1.12.4, but I can't find any!! I tried installing the ones for version 1.12.3, btu when I launched ksp, it always says that some mods are not suitable for this version of ksp, is there anyone here with knowledge how to cheat?
  11. I tried installing the on the latest version of ksp, but when I tried to test it how it works, my kopernicus notified me that it might not run on this version, is there anyway I can cheat or something?
  12. You should check out his youtube channel, Matt gives some knowledge? How to get to Minmus, and other celestial objects. https://www.youtube.com/c/MattLowneFilms
  13. Hi, I am trying to build a cargo plane that will be able to transport rovers, bases, and more equipment from Kerbin to Minmus. But the only problem I have is with fuel! I have some engines that fit Mk3 parts, but every time I get my plane into orbit, I don't have enough fuel to get me to Minmus and back. Could you recommend me which engines will be perfect for such a mission?
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