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Everything posted by mc04

  1. it's not the responsibility of people who got a garbage product to make excuses for it or to try to help make it not garbage.
  2. inb4 half the posts get redacted and the thread locked.
  3. get it now, the price will go up as they add features! if you're not buying it on sale, you're just wasting money because you will buy it later!
  4. they've been lying for the entire existence of this game, why stop now? it's not like anybody's gonna get them for false advertising or something - all you need to get out of that is some microprint to the effect of 'actually I was crossing my fingers behind my back when I said that so none of those promises count.'
  5. can the editor shortcut be configured/disabled? rcs build aid also uses 5. edit: I apparently missed another subfolder layer when I was looking. found the config.xml in TweakScale\plugins\PluginData\Scale.
  6. ksp2 never solved the problems ksp2 supposedly set out to tackle. if you need to grind missions you don't want to do in ksp, you've configured the difficulty settings wrong. yes, the defaults are bad. but it's a decade+ old game that hasn't been updated for a couple years now. none of this is new, or some arcane knowledge; it's literally built in settings that can be configured on the fly in an ongoing campaign.
  7. love ksp2! best game ever. really cool how the have eclipses, a feature no other game ever has had.
  8. the No Man's Sky comparisons have always been funny to me because that actually took a lot of original technical work, (vs reimplementing an existing game) and they came out with the first big update within a few months of release. (and iirc one or two more within the first year.) edit: the community has no responsibility to artificially hype up something that doesn't deserve it. pretending that problems don't exist will not magically make them go away. every active user on these forums could effusively praise every single official communication and it would still do absolutely zero to change the reasons why people aren't playing or buying the game.
  9. I've seen this claim numerous times, but never a hint of an actual source or even credible rumour that somehow lost a significant amount of work. as far as I can tell this was invented after the fact as an excuse for the state of the game. as for ongoing work, discussions of that always seem to center around fixing bugs/adding features/"optimization" and little to nothing about what they might do to mitigate the consequences of the choice to replicate ksp1's physics system and the limitations it imposes. given the response to the flaccid noodle rockets and the general trend of simplifying/cutting anything viewed as complex or problematic, idk if they even plan to do anything about it. especially since real fixes would likely mean rebuilding large parts of the simulation.
  10. they had six+ years to do 'core engineering work' and came out with a sim that at best functions about the same as the original. it is what it is at this point. if they really wanted to bring it to a wider audience they would've done far better as an expansion or remaster.
  11. NDAs have nothing to do with official communications. Yes, they are presumably not allowed to randomly share whatever they're working on. But that doesn't stop a dev from seeking approval to share something, or from people in charge/whoever's running PR from getting WIP material from them to share.
  12. I'm having an issue with input lag using this mod when assigning a button on my xbox controller to use rcs. controlling rcs with axes works as expected, and everything else responds instantaneously to button presses, but the rcs will lag for 1/2-1 second, stutter on and off, then fire. will roll/pitch/yaw, the reaction wheels respond immediately to button presses and turn the craft before rcs fires.
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