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Everything posted by KADC

  1. I plan to stick with KSP1 for the foreseeable future so any improvements you make to PAWS would certainly be something I'll appreciate for a long time.
  2. Is there a way to make UT (RSSDTF) the default instead of MET? I have zero use for the latter and it's a bit of a nuisance to have to change it back to UT all the time.
  3. CKAN isn't detecting this mod. I tried searching (separately) kerbin, date, calendar, and scrolling through the entire list with no search criteria and I couldn't find it.
  4. Pinned or not, once I close a PAW (in flight), the next time it will open on whatever side of the screen the part is located regardless of where I last moved the PAW to. For example: A part on the left side of the screen opens it's PAW on the far left. I drag the PAW to the right side of the screen (pin or not - just tried both ways to double-check). I close the PAW. I open that part's PAW again and opens on the far left again. Unless the camera rotation has moved the part to the right-side in which case the PAW opens on the far right side of the screen.
  5. Thank you for creating PAWS. My only remaining "makes me cry" PAW-related issue is that windows don't remember where I moved them the next time I open them. Adding insult to injury, they seem to prefer to open on top of other open windows/menus rather than the nice empty corner of the screen where I keep moving them to. Is this programmable behaviour?
  6. Yes, scene load caused my vessel to jump. Installing the WorldStabilizer mod stopped the scene load jumping which solved my problem. For anyone else experiencing scene-jump issues, though CKAN shows WorldStabilizer as only 1.8.99 compatible, I can confirm (as have others) that it works fine in 1.12.4.
  7. I don't know if this has been reported already, but I believe you have a typo in the 20th line of the .cfg file. StopTimeWrapOnReConnection = False should probably be: StopTimeWarpOnReConnection = False
  8. I only (mostly) installed mods from the CKAN compatibility list and the most recent version of WorldStabilizer is from KSP v1.8, but I see from the newer WorldStabilizer topic comments it works fine in KSP v1.12 so I'm installing it now. Of course, I would have tried it anyway since you've mentioned it, but it's nice to know others have already tested it's compatible. Thanks in advance for the suggestion and (presumably) solution to my random bouncing woes. Hopefully this will fix my Parking Brake disengaging on load problem as well -- my landed mining craft was "walking" itself downhill on scene changes as well as forcing my Slidertrons to retract when it didn't fall over entirely.
  9. I found the problem and the solution to my previous post: It was vessel "bounce" during scene load being too much for my Force setting. Increasing Force to 6 (for this situation on Mun) for each Slidertron "leg" fixed the problem. Now if someone would just find a way to stop scene loading "bounce" from happening in the first place a lot of similar issues would be prevented.
  10. IR - Next v3.0.7 KSP v1.12.4.3187 I'm using Slidertron rails to give greater range and levelling capability for attached LTR-1 landing legs on uneven terrain. I haven't gotten the kOS auto-levelling script to work yet so I'm extending/retracting them manually with Action Groups. Unfortunately, sometimes (50/50 chance loading the same save file) the rails are resetting to their default unextended state on scene load. Any idea why? Mod conflict (list below)? Something else? (I'll save the log next time it happens.)
  11. Like rmaine's post a year ago, the parking brake disengaged when the scene loaded, presumably because some jostling registered as greater than the 0.3 m/s threshold this mod uses to register as stopped and landed. Would it be possible to keep the parking brake engaged on scene load to prevent this from happening, possibly tying it to the KSP brake function so when the brake ("B") is engaged Parking Brake is also engaged?
  12. KSP v1.12.4.3187 MJ2 v2.14.2.0 I only just started using MechJeb this week now that landings and dockings have lost there charm after years of playing unmodded KSP (except SCANsat). MJ2 is proving to be quite handy but I've encountered a problem with it trying to land on the opposite side of the Mun from the chosen target or (as far as I can tell) trying to go straight through the Mun while still targeting the opposite side of the Mun from the chosen target. I see this was a problem that was fixed a long time ago and there's been no recent posts about a recurrence so I'm guessing it's a mod conflict unless anyone has a better idea what's causing this. I can supply the log the next time it happens, but in the meantime, here's my mod list in case anyone has a good guess which one it might be. (I'm not uninstalling mods one-at-a-time/launching KSP/landing on Mun/exiting KSP 185 times to find the culprit.)
  13. Is this supposed to activate automatically when brakes are applied or does it have to be manually selected from the command pod PAW? I thought it was the former because I've never had a problem stopping on a slope before when using this mod, but just now my landed craft kept drifting down a slope until I manually clicked it in the PAW which I never had to do before. Side note: As far as I can tell, it's the only action which is not assignable to an action group other than "Aim Camera Here" (which would be handy when you want to click on experiments but the KSP camera focus default is nowhere near your service bay). Is this intentional or an oversight?
  14. I finally got a chance to sit down with KSP again and that scroll bar works like a charm. Thank-you, kindly.
  15. I just started using this mod yesterday (or to be more accurate, yesterday I noticed the icon wasn't active in Blizzy) and let me say that I love the colour-coded stage recovery highlighting in the VAB. I never imagined there would be a way to make seeing what sections need more chutes so easy. Is there any chance of getting a scroll bar for the individual "highlight part" list? About a third of my full asparagus assembly doesn't fit in the Stage Recover window and there doesn't seem to be any way to scroll down to see all the parts. Alternately (or additionally), an "ignore this part" button to remove from the list various boosters and struts that aren't intended to be recovered or sections that are already "green".
  16. Update: After a LOT of reading, I think I was confusing the new stock inventory system with KIS and how each system works. In any case, I had a persistent Unity-crashing conflict (99% sure it was KSP_PartVolume) that forced me to uninstall and reinstall all mods and KIFA is now functioning normally (install order issue?) which solved my "stock" stackable-parts-not-stacking problem. There is a secondary issue (or bonus feature, depending on your point of view): Containers now have two mostly-independent inventories -- stock and KIS -- but this isn't a Breaking Ground issue so I'll continue this conversation in the KIS thread if having two inventories in the same container proves to be a problem.
  17. Update: I had a persistent Unity-crashing conflict (99% sure it was KSP_PartVolume) that forced me to uninstall and reinstall all mods and KIFA is now functioning normally. (Install order issue?) Whatever the case, KIFA has solved my stackable-parts-not-stacking problem (hooray!) but now there is a secondary issue (or bonus feature, depending on your point of view). Containers now have two mostly-independent inventories -- stock and KIS. The Stock/KIFA-created inventory which appears at the top of the part's GUI beneath "Part" and the KIS inventory which appears at the bottom of the part's GUI above "Crossfeed" don't share part inventories, each hold a different total number or parts, they calculate inventory part volumes differently, and they keep track of total used volume independently. They do, however, report their content masses correctly, so filling both inventories to their independent capacities will have the correct effect your TWR, etc.
  18. I'm having an inventory problem that installing KIFA didn't resolve, but perhaps someone here knows or can guess what's causing the problem so I can fix it myself. I can stack all stackable items (stock, KIS, and KAS) with the expected quantity limit (yellow number) and volume calculation (green bar) in some non-storage parts which have had inventory capability added to them (ex. any crewable command module). I can stack only certain stackable items (wrench, screwdriver, explosives, and KIS manual to be specific -- nothing else as far as I can tell) in actual inventory-specific cargo containers (ex. SN-01 Portable Container, SN-07K Container, etc.). There is no inventory or volume limit for these items but there is right-click +1/-1 functionality. All other stackable items (ex. EVA Repair Kit, AAS-4 Strut Connector, JS-1 Joint Socket, RTS-1 Resource Transfer Station, etc.) will not stack in any inventory-specific cargo containers like they should. It seems to me that there must be attributes in the screwdriver and command module parts files that are missing from JS-1 Joint Socket and SN-07K Container parts files that I could add to to make my parts stackable. Alternately, if you think it's a mod conflict, my installed part-related mods are: KIS, KAS, ModuleManager, KIFA, B9 Part Switch, Community Resource Pack, FIG, Infernal Robotics - Next, JSIPartUtilities, Konstruction, KSP Community Fixes, ReStock, TweakScale. I use CKAN so everything should be up to date and I'm running the most recent version of KSP (
  19. I can see this thread never got a solution, but as this is literally the only relevant Google result (other than a six-year-old one for KOS which I don't have installed) I'm going to cross my fingers and hope this new post will stimulate a better result as I have either the same or related issue. I can stack all stackable items (stock, KIS, and KAS) with the expected quantity limit (yellow number) and volume calculation (green bar) in some non-storage parts which have had inventory capability added to them (ex. any crewable command module). I can stack only certain stackable items (wrench, screwdriver, explosives, and KIS manual to be specific -- nothing else as far as I can tell) in actual inventory-specific cargo containers (ex. SN-01 Portable Container, SN-07K Container, etc.). There is no inventory or volume limit for these items but there is right-click +1/-1 functionality. All other stackable items (ex. EVA Repair Kit, AAS-4 Strut Connector, JS-1 Joint Socket, RTS-1 Resource Transfer Station, etc.) will not stack in any inventory-specific cargo containers like they should. I have tried and removed KIFA (Kerbal Inventory For All) as a possible solution but saw no change in stackable behaviour.
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