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Everything posted by exospaceman

  1. Lisias here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/173oBgH6bUqiJouY-nrrqFfLS1SMagA7D?usp=drive_link
  2. It's been 3 days since this bug started to occur on the game and I can't seem to get rid of it, If you can help me out I would appreciate it.
  3. Hello I am looking for this long-forgotten Crawler mod that was made by a user called: Mike-NZ, I need to use it for the space series I make on my YT channel and use it for future Saturn V videos I will make I have seen Youtubers such as TD and Matthew Cable use the mod but have no link to them. Here are some pictures of the mod from different users they posted By D0m1nu2 Thread: Another Photo: If you find a workable link please send me one here it would be an honor!
  4. Idk why but I am having problem with the launch escape system. Whenever I load a rocket with a LES the plumes seem to appear although I haven't activated yet how can I fix this?
  5. It's weird I changed it to stock but it doesn't work
  6. How can I turn earth into kerbin size the mod works but the spacecrafts are just well inside earth
  7. Oh wow and I though my PC was slow: RTX 3070 RAM 16 I7 core intel
  8. Also where is the link for KSRSS it says download in the description but says: "Soon"
  9. Thank you very much for the Info! I hope it doesn't affect the other spacecraft I put into orbit around Kerbin and the launch sites I made by using KerbalKonstructs. I want to try using KSRSS for a series I am doing on my YT channel.
  10. How can I download KSRSS for KSP? and will that affect mods like OPM in the file system? Here is what I have as of now:
  11. I recreated Starship although it is still under construction
  12. I want to start making mods for KSP1 and 2 but first I need to know how I can import a model from blender into KSP1 Here is one example I want to use: I'm going to use it for a series I am doing for my YT channel in which I attempt to recreate every single Historic spaceflight in KSP Although I have been using KSP for a long time since I recently got a computer and started making models in blender I barely know how to import a model into KSP1 and make it into a mod I have searched for tutorials on YT to help me, but none of them made sense to me. It would be great if someone could kindly help me many thanks!
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