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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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    Slain by the Kraken
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    Kerbugs, Eve Gravity Assists, Kapybaras, Making replicas, Vall, Killing the Kraken (This did not work out the way i hoped it would)

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  1. Warning: Spoilers for this mod below! List of Celestial Bodies F-223 CX G-395 SU 1935I Gilbert 71 Kolok'ai F-MGC-130 X 988I-VK Vulakith 188J-R Sphyris BN-739 SV I-976 IX more to come!
  2. Development Thread for Asteroidz Plus Release KSP2 Modding Society Thread Current Features 11 new on-rail Asteroids to explore Planned Features More asteroids Comets Texture Reworks Compatibility with ISRU mods once available
  3. wouldn't have been a bad name for this mod either :p
  4. Welcome to Asteroidz Plus! Asteroidz Plus is a planet mod for KSP2 aims to give players more places to visit within the Kerbolar system, without significantly altering the layout of the classic Kerbol system. The mod features 11 unique Asteroids to explore. These asteroids are celestial bodies, meaning you cant move them around, but you can land on them and orbit in their SOI. Most asteroids can be found between Duna and Jool, but you might find some suprises if you go looking. Some asteroids even have special features! Warning: this mod is still being developed. celestial bodies subject to change- your kerbals may suddenly find themselves underground or on a crash trajectory after updating. Dependancies Spacewarp Planety (by @StellatedCUBE ) Download Asteroidz Plus here: Asteroidz Plus on Spacedock Asteroidz Plus on Github (License: MIT) Installation Install Spacewarp and Planety Unzip the AsteroidzPlus zip file into the Game Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2 Important: Planety does not change existing saves; please start a new campaign and make sure 'Asteroidz Plus' is enabled in the Planety Settings Follow development progress here Planned Features More asteroids Comets Texture Reworks Compatibility with ISRU mods once available Known Issues: Lighting errors, primarily for for 1935I Gilbert and I-976 IX Controls sometimes freeze when orbiting close to the 'surface' of BN-739 SV Mesh and Surface Texture quality varies from asteroid to asteroid
  5. Excellent analysis, well done @foonix! Thanks for taking time to finally shed some light on this topic. Based on this, i personally do not believe the claim that KSP2 is build on KSP1 spaghetti code holds much water today. Either the KSP1 code was refactored so extensively barely anything of the original is left, or the developers did indeed start from scratch at some point but reused a minor amount of code, either directly or as inspiration. Whatever the case, it does not seem to have played a significant role in the state of KSP2- atleast in the version available to us today. This does not definitively prove (i doubt anything can, save for a resumption of development) KSP2 could have been developed to its full potential with the existing codebase , but it does make for a pretty convincing argument that it's atleast not as simple as "it was never going to be finished because it runs on KSP1's code"
  6. i'm just glad to hear from him again. he sounds as devestated by this as the rest of us. we all deserved better.
  7. Suprisingly, despite seeing pretty much all the bugs this game has during my time as a bug hunter, I am one of those people. Just hit 2000 hours in KSP2 today. Fully understandable that not everybody wants to play a game where dealing with bugs is a necessity though, especially if they consider it to not have many improvements over the original already.
  8. here ya go, made it look like the real one too
  9. The Final, Unofficial... Howdy Kerbonauts, first off, let me state clearly that this is not in any way an official Kerbal End-users Report Bugs- more commonly known as KERB. I am a community member like the rest of you, but have been very involved in bug hunting and beta testing KSP2 for a significant portion of its lifetime. I thought it might be nice to share a final count on which bug reports were upvoted the most by the community. The data for this was collected using a script made by my fellow Bug Hunter @Spicat. See this as a dedication post to the actual KERB, a sort of final sendoff. It's not something i thought would ever need to be done, but here we are. It's been a good run. Thank you to everyone who reported and upvoted bugs, The Space Peacock Community's Final Top Issues: # Bug Upvotes 1 KSP2 is Calculating the Physics of all Parts of all Crafts Whether They are Rendered or Not, Reducing Performance of all Scenes at all Times. 130 2 No Trajectory Lines in Map View [Indicators Like PE/AP are Still Showing] 125 3 Incorrect "landed" status while in orbit causes trajectory to disappear in Map View 97 4 Parts inside fairing heating up 95 5 Camera resets position every time you enter and exit map view 84 6 Broken DeltaV with multiple engines and/or with side tank attached [fuel tank placement order messes up dV calculations] 82 7 Rovers are Hitting a Physics Glitch Every 1000m from the Location of Rover Being Loaded into the Game With Disastrous Results 70 8 Timewarp limit is too restrictive on some non-atmospheric planets (Gilly, Bop, Minmus...) 70 9 Can't create a maneuver node within another SOI 61 10 Parachutes didn't deploy 59 11 Landing gear blocked when it is not [also happens with other deployable parts] 58 12 Resource Manager (RM) disallows re-placement of a resource in the Transfer list of the RM, creating duplicates in the parts list of the RM 57 13 SAS does not hold orientation during timewarp 55 14 Accelerate under Timewarp still not working in some cases (Often in Large SOI's) 55 15 Vessel icons block celestial bodies from being clicked on [when zoomed out] [Vessel Icons have priority over Celestial Bodies] 54 16 For the difficulty of the LIL CHONKER mission 35 Science as a reward is too low 54 17 SAS Control Surface Oscillation in Atmosphere 53 18 A Kerbal On EVA Exerts A Force On The Vessel 53 19 Cannot create/edit a maneuver node when game is paused 49 20 When Trying to Close a Fairing on a Part, it will Disappear Instead. 47 Note: this may be a bit outdated, as it doesnt account for bugfixes in the v0.2.2 patch
  10. one sec, i'll post it here too
  11. This project is the result of a collaboration between me and @DianaGearhead. Thank you, IG <3 Flies a little unstable, but can probably be sorted out with some minor tweaks to engine thrust. Craft file available here o7
  12. Well said Adsii. It was a pleasure getting to work with you!
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