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  • Location
    Somewhere in the void
  • Interests
    Space, engineering, and games involving such topics. Generally, I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi and survival genres with KSP, Space Engineers, and Minecraft being my top frequently played games. I'm also a Middle-earth nerd so there's that too.

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  1. After a rough week of studying and tests, I finally got a break and completed two missions. First, I completed my second Mun landing at a mysterious structure and Jeb did some investigation. Second, I deployed a small CubeSat in a polar orbit of Minmus to prepare for a crewed mission there. I'm still doing the easy beginning missions, but I'm honestly just enjoying the scenery and the process of each mission. Here's some funny screenshots with Jeb:
  2. They celebrate by listening to Mariah Karey and watching fireworks. All they ask for every year is just moar boosters...
  3. @Joker58th The realism of your ship and the camera angles is really cool! Great ship too
  4. Well, I didn't want to bring this up, but i feel I must. It can't continue to be ignored by you people and these sorry devs. I use a computer with a 16:10 screen size, and every single time I play KSP2, there's these stupid black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. I loathe the fact that I must suffer like this with the passion of ten thousand suns. Nobody cares, instead they just blab on about how, "Oh, poor me, my widescreen is tooo wide, I can't play, this game sucks!" Yeah, well, some of us have bigger issues that we'd like addressed!!! this is sarcasm on steroids in case it wasn't obvious, I have no problem with KSP2 or the devs
  5. Inspired by all of you who have been posting pretty screenshots from 0.1.5, I took an hour to build a plane and fly around Kerbin at sunset. I can truly say this game is beautiful now, and my laptop 3060 achieves ~40 fps in flight on max settings. I can't wait for For Science! to make the planets look even more amazing! Also, I have to say this bird design is sick.
  6. Simply gorgeous. I have gotta find some time to just cruise through a cloud or two soon. So serene
  7. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is the single most accurate, well made LoTR show ever to be beholden by the public.
  8. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. I mean, KSP2 at its full potential will prove to be one of the greatest, most complex games ever developed. Patience we must have, hmm.
  9. Ohhh HDRP is what I'm going to get very excited for. But thus update is cool too. I forgot the name haha
  10. Woohooo! I've been waiting for this day! This means performance increases right?
  11. Very nice showcase @Intercept Games! Overall, the flames are looking hot, although I did feel that they appeared a little too cartoony and flat in some shots. Nevertheless it's exciting to see progress on key features and hopefully there are more dev chats to come! Also, I loved seeing those exotic terrain features at the end, as they really show off what's capable with KSP2's revamped terrain generation system. Maybe it's just me, but my hype levels for this game are rising again!
  12. Always love to see bugs that I've personally found frustrating being eliminated! Can't wait to test this update out when I find time.
  13. Thanks for the advice, @Socraticat! As you can tell by my new profile picture, I successfully made it to orbit and beyond with the spaceplane. In fact, I was able to land on the Mun (albeit with extreme caution) and return home. There's still some modifications to be made, however, as I didn't have enough fuel to land to re-circularize at Kerbin. Tim and Val survived the crash landing though! Thanks again for the help
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