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Everything posted by skogs
Unfortunately I don't have a save directly before the incident so I can't cleanly reproduce without derping about a bit extra. Of note is that the autosave has suddenly ballooned to 157 Megs in size. This has been reported other places but makes pulling/sharing applicable save files and such virtually impossible. Following was the craft file prior to jettisoning the side fuel tanks, though the thumbnail created for it seems to leave out the fuel lines so it might not be 100% correct. Loading the existing save is impossible at this point...best I could do. Craft File (took your text and converted it an actual craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjx4aauybnv1tku/BugTestCraftFile.json?dl=0
@Alexoff I'm aware it is early access. When searching for 'center of kerbol' I got nothing. Even searching for 'center of planet' nothing in the bug reports shows obvious except one about a journey to the center of the Mun. Your comment is dismissive and useless. Since you seem to be posting just to pump up numbers...do it somewhere else. I'm trying to get the logs to figure out where the original divide by zero occurred and figure out the repeatable steps to reproduce.
Severity: Medium Frequency: Very Low My apologies as I've been struggling to get logs for this one, seems reloading the game a second time has a lot of errors. I had a small manned craft that did a flyby of Moho. After the flyby I turned on infinite fuel so that I could return him to Kerbin. Large elliptical orbit was eastablished. Attempting to get phasing correct for return to Kerbin SOI. While in orbit of Kerbol, I believe I accidently time warped while the engine was firing to get desired rendezvous. Suddenly artificial horizon was spinning. Then determined that I couldn't see Kerbol anymore, but the shine off the solar panels was extremely bright. - I was now zero speed at the center of Kerbol - iirc 33 Million km below sea level of Kerbol - Solar panels (small foldy ones) were reporting approxmiately 26 digit power generation per second instead of the usual 8-20ish that is dependent on intensity/proximity to the star. - Was unable to move firing the small thruster...guessing gravity is infinite at the center of Kerbol just like the power output on the solar panels seemed to be. I will attach the save file as soon as I can get the game up and stable enough to delete out the extra debris and/or at least get the name of the craft. Generally craft was built from top down starting with a lander can for 1 kerbal. No landing gear, no docking ports, Side drop tanks were utilized to initially get dV required for Moho rv. Drop tanks were jettisoned prior to leaving Moho. Several game years elapsed then elapsed while attempting to get Kerbin rv. =======specs======== AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac motherboard AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor Linux Mint 21.1 (64 bit) Kernel 6.1.0-1007-oem X.Org release 12101004 Matacity (Marco) window manager Radeon RX 7900 XT (20G RAM) Mesa 23.2.0 OpenGL 4.6 16G system RAM Using Steam w/Proton GE-Proton7-50 Using launch options: WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=4:0,1,2,3 bash -c 'exec "${@/%"PDLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe"/KSP2_x64.exe}"' -- %command%
This appears resolved as of
Still present in version - Still timewarps while planeting flag as comma and period are active. - Initially cannot control EVA'd kerbal afteward (workaround use [ and ] to swap controlled vehicle/flag/kerbal; then kerbal can walk around and RCS fly again - Cannot enter pod, nor climb ladder. Reload fresh saved not effective. Close game entirely, load save, can then enter craft normally.
Release KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.1.0
skogs replied to Intercept Games's topic in KSP2 Dev Updates
This is a huge release update. Easily 3x more fixes than I would have been expecting at this point. Bravo! -
I said no such thing. I directly imply that people still think $50 is a lot of money and they should get some long term value that is bug free ... Go to taco bell ... I assure you it is neither bug free nor long term. I know precisely the words I meant. I'm sorry you feel upset about it. Not sure which group you're in, but arguing on the internet is definitely going to put you in a category. Again ... for the hearing impaired: Many people complain because they think they should get great value for $50. THOSE individuals ... should go and fill their gas tank for a reality check. The feedback and bugs are not wrong. The complaining and butt pain expressed about $50 is. Some airlines charge you for the bag you're carrying. Get a grip.
@PolnochFine sir I am impressed with your setup in general. I've contemplated gaming in VM for years but always found it lacking. If you're playing cyberpunk in it than good for you. Vega64 is similar aged to my old RX590. My framerates were similarly bad in the 3-9 fps range frequently. Bumped to a current generation hardware this weekend and it was significantly better, but not as good as I'd have liked. Maybe I need to stop gaming on linux and give it a shot on a VM like you. Honestly though either via proton or via straight wine v8.x it runs well enough to derp around.
All of these people review bombing with the excuse along the lines of "I expected more for $50" ... Clearly not a single one of those buffoons have been out to eat with a family of 4 lately. If you're unhappy that is cool. Either keep it to yourself or make meaningful contributions to the community [snip]
Ok so docking ports don't undock properly. Ok. Sent up a rescue mission with a lot of empty seats. Did not dock. Got all the kerbals via EVA. On the way back down to the planet in ship (station on orbit and happy) The minute I click to release my transfer/support stage, there is a warning that station is on collision trajectory. The station is well away from physics area ... approx 900k away right now. Suddenly station is no longer in circular orbit and is kicking high up over planet (was 200 circular) to 800k and then crashing back to ground. Very odd indeed. The two craft never touched. Just shared grid for a few minutes. To confirm I reloaded a save and tried it a second time...both times station seems to asplode and go to ground.
I also just had a craft reported as exploded and camera drifting away, though visually the craft still seemed docked. Standard capsule with crew can fuel and rocket; single stage only unless you count 2 sets of parachutes...then 3 stages. Connected to a fuel station 200k in LKO. Pair of standard clamp-o-trons. Kind of a bugger. I guess I'll send up another ship to rescue the kerbals and leave the existing docked for a few weeks. Closed out game; re-launched it...still explodes.
Hehe...I thought methalox was actually kind of fun since it is actually rarely used in real life. Sure all the new hotness is methane and oxygen, but that hasn't always been the case. Methalox is the core of real life space race #2. Most previously used either kerosene or hydrogen ... methane is kind of an oddball in the middle of the spectrum but obviously has some practicality to it. For monoprop I think cold gas nitrogen would make most sense, but also doesn't have the largest number of examples in real life.
Confirm this!! Trying to make a "Mun Rocket" ... kept popping out to the Map view. Additionally while on a planetary body and planting a flag...God help you if you use punctuation. All of a sudden I was at 1000x speed because I used a few periods in my flag note.
Ok I take it back...I just tried it a dozen other times with other ships and Home key works fine. GRRRRRRR In the off chance this is a logic bug, the ship I was trying to swap to had no power. Otherwise disregard.
Used to be the "~" key. Cool if it changes...but it sort of didn't. I just had to right click and destroy a ship because I couldn't swap back to it. (Couldn't swap camera back to ship after looking at another craft orbiting minmus because ((Darn it one cannot look at minmus and click it after something else is orbiting it...another bug)) return to ship/center camera or whatever didn't work. Looking at the controls as listed on Escape Menu - Settings - Input : Under 'EVA' it mentions Center camera in VAB as I and K .... odd Under 'OAB' it mentions Center camera in VAB as 'Home' ... ok... Under 'MAPVIEW' it mentions 'resetCamera' as 'Home' ... Yeah I don't get it.
This has nothing to do with LKO. The Krakken has visited a few of my craft and made them spin. I have partially recovered by pulsing the time warp to stop the spin...and so far every single time I end up with odd gaps in my craft. Small comm sat with fuel, engine, and probe control ... big gap in the middle as big as the fuel tank, but still functioning as a single unit.
Scenario: I'd like to launch a new batch of comm satellites. Reproduce: Click folder to open saved crafts. I'm presented with clearly named saves with 'workspace' brightly lit ... but almost always no actual ship name. I click on sort 'name' ... because clearly that will help... it doesn't. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt all the crafts have proper names...yet none are listed.
Solar Panel Warning - Generally Unnecessary
skogs replied to skogs's topic in KSP2 Suggestions and Development Discussion
Yes but there is no popup for "Hey dummy...kick our your solar panels." If they're stowed they do no notification. Only notify if they're out. -
My guess is there is some very 'helpy' logic deciding what to show people. It was supposed to be helpful, but ended up just getting in the way and being helpy. Like me in the kitchen.
Confirm strange behavior. The maneuver node that is the direction I'm supposed to burn...yeah it should not move around like the rest. Almost left orbit entirely instead of comfortably bouncing out to Minmus.
Ok while I can't seem to get the program to respect the 1680x1050 screen resolution, telling it windowed and 1650x1010 or so seems to make a correctly sized window. Not 100% sure if the things in that window are still not getting resized...I'll play with it a little later to do more evaluation. Making it full screen or borderless full screen and a particular size doesn't seem to function; though maybe it does function and the in game settings thing is just too silly to properly report its own window size. Settings screen still doesn't show proper resolution...so...yeah. I think I might have to set ALL of the settings in the json and then copy the file...for the instance I accidentally open the settings panel and it overwrites the correct settings with bs entries.
Do we really need a warning popping up in the top quarter of the screen to let us know that the solar panels or the craft itself is spinning or going behind a planet? Just please make that warning go away. At no time in space or on a planet will anybody ever be surprised when it is dark out and the power isn't flowing.
Time Warp Messages: Only 'Limited by proximity to celestial body?'
skogs replied to JoeSchmuckatelli's topic in v0.1.0
Confirm it has always popped up from any timewarp going around a planet. Sometimes it doesn't if I'm simply popping it for a couple seconds to stop a krakken spin...but rest definitely warning for nothing.