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  1. I think having a better way to access archives as a non-moderator would be a good way to streamline the process. One of my gripes right now is when I check the subforum, and notice that there's no bug report, so I make my own, and then the next day I look and it's been merged with a formerly archived report, which I didn't know of until that point. Being able to double-check for an archived report, and then linking it in a new one, or even a button that mentions that "hey a user has had this bug in the latest version" to forum mods could be a lot easier when making reports after a patch. As for fixed bugs in said archive, perhaps another forum for the "fixed bugs" would be a good choice, if for anything else the number of fixed bugs And for the bi-weekly K.E.R.B, having an extra section that's maybe a paragraph on the more optimisation-based problems (object rendering and surface shaders) to answer such questions, and if any more pop up, they still talked about, because while we do understand (hopefully) that they're not easy to fix, they're still important to know about, possibly something on the potential solutions to the issues as well.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 | RAM: 16GB This one probably wouldn't be noticed as much since often the boosters are lost in the first stage, and the firing only happens after the launch sequence has been activated. Replication: 1. Launch a rocket with an SRB attached. 2. Wait for it to run out of fuel, then quicksave 3. Load the save and the engine will sound like it's still firing despite being empty Included Attachments: 2023-10-2909-30-54.mp4
  3. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 | RAM: 16GB I noticed this when I had made a lander and left it, then came back to it today. The parachute itself was labelled as opened (or unpacked) but visually it was closed (or packed). To replicate: 1. Launch any vehicle with a parachute. 2. Open the parachute, and land it. 3. Save and reload, and the parachute now appears to not have been used, but the PM asks if you want to re-pack it Image below Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 | RAM: 16GB Severity: medium/low, doesn't cause anything overly dramatic but does look very weird These two glitches seem to happen because of the game not unloading the KSC properly when entering the tracking station, and pulling it to wherever the craft is. Replication: 1. Land a craft (optional) on a celestial body 2. Go back to the KSC 3. Enter the tracking station 4. Select the landed craft and focus on it 5. Select the craft again and select Control 6. Press M to leave the map screen and the craft should load in empty space. The KSC options will also appear. 7. Press M to enter map view again, should switch to focusing on the KSC. 8. Press M one last time and it will switch back to the landed craft. The ground will have weird patterns of light on it and after some time Kerbin will load in without the KSC textures. This one seems really consistent for some reason, hopefully it helps with some other bugs Below is a screenshot of the glitch as an end result. As I mentioned, it takes a little moment to load, but both these seems to have the same cause. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  5. Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 | RAM: 16GB I'm not sure what could cause this glitch, other than the collision of fairings has been very... interesting to say the least. It seems to be caused by a mixture of phantom forces and random impulses from the RoveMate body or wheels, which could be because of part clipping issues (please fix this one day) To replicate: Use the savefile I've attached, launch the rocket, then press space to detatch the first stage, and the rover begins to drift off-kilter. For stopping this glitch, you can begin timewarping and then stop, and the rover will stay in place. This affects the mass of the rocket now being offset and so I can imagine it treats the new position like it's been there as usual. I'll see if I can replicate it with just the fairing and other fairings as well Below I've attached a screenshot of the glitch, a video of replicating it (please ignore the initial fail, my record button is the same as the timewarp up button :P), the craft file and a quicksave to help Any tips on building rovers would be appreciated Included Attachments: 2023-10-2420-27-24.mkv RoverWorld.json quicksave_47.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  6. OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G GPU: PALIT GeForce GTX 1660 Okay this one's a little tricky to explain. So the intended behaviour is that when I move my camera along the ground toward the centre of the camera, it should zoom in on that point, and when I move it out, it should move out along the ground until it reaches the distance from the vessel where my camera was originally, and orbits around the vehicle normally. However, when I do so, the camera gets stuck near to the vessel and orbits that centre without zooming out. So the camera is now closer to the vessel, and I have to zoom out to get back to where I was originally. I can't reall who it off in photos, since it's a camera oddity, and this happened on the Mun with a landed craft.
  7. OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G GPU: PALIT Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 What the title says, whenever I approach the Mun at ~900KM from surface, it does a abrupt fade off the screen, then fades back in under 300km. Purely visual and even has its own little effect when it happens. Here's it from munar orbit at about 870 km: And here's it at about 250km, with the Mun back in view: I'm not sure why this happens, but every Mun mission so far has had this bug happen,
  8. OS: Windows 10 CPU: Ryzen 5 5600G GPU: GTX 1660 When in the "Horizon" camera mode, I left to the map screen and when I came back, the camera had refocused in the very centre of the vessel rather than in the position I'd left it in before going to the map screen. Sorry if the screenshots don't show much
  9. Here's just a list of all the features that I think we need/are missing and would be really nice to have again. - Renaming vessels. This one is already beginning to annoy me in the Tracking Station, where someone (like me) has a lot of satellites that I launched from a mothership with no way to name them. Returning the re-naming feature would be a LOT of help and de-clutter my object list. - More vessel types. As I said, making satellites is already annoying, and that is not helped by the lack of filtering. The only options we really have are vessels and debris, and I'd like some more customisation to my map screen. - A transfer window planner. Like in KSP1, this was invaluable to me and others, so seeing its return would be amazing. Places like Moho, Dres or Eeloo are nigh-impossible to get to without one, thus having this back would save new players a headache. - Mouse sensitivity in the VAB. A controllable slider for how sensitive it is, mainly for the middle mouse button so I don't have to feel like I'm dragging a weight to go around to the other half of my craft. - Fairing see-through. The way the feature currently works is annoying, and the button never seems to want to work so I can't place struts before building fairings. Reverting to the way KSP1 deals with this seems more intuitive. - SOI predictions. I would like it if there was a way to see the PE of an SOI you're entering, rather than having to blindly go through on the map screen. - Right-click keeps info. This feature from KSP1 was nice to have, and being able to make fine adjustments to manuevers while seeing those info readouts was eternally helpful on mid-course correction burns. - Seeing fuel in the parts menu. I'd like to see this, as sometimes it's needed for debugging spacecraft. Thanks you so much, this game is amazing and looks promising!
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