So, I've owned KSP since waaaay back in the beta days, and I thought we were over alot of the issues/bugs that we had back then.
KSP2 launched. Oh, how I was wrong.
Several things, which I'm sure have already been said, but just wanted to add my 10-pence worth to the ongoing thread...
Noodley rockets. Come on, this is a big obvious issue, which I would have expected to be realised as an issue BEFORE releasing into EA?
Delta V, expected burn-time, thrust-to-weight (TWR) figures - all stuff, that we took for granted in KSP, now missing/hidden. I appreciate, it's EA, but this is basic functionality by now in KSP1 - how can it be missed from this early a stage of development?
Manoeuvre node - terrible. I appreciate, the lack of trajectories in other Sphere of influences may be a bug, but how can having LESS control over the nodes actually have made it past the development stage?
Cost - I know it's been said, but £50 is a lot of money for an EA title. I appreciate, we are paying for a product which will probably increase in costs by the time it gets to final release, but even then, this is a lot of money!
All-in-all, I feel a little let down on what has been delivered at this stage, after pushing back 18 months from when it was originally suggested it may launch (god knows what mess we would have got at that stage had it released on time!) Have we been stone-walled with an old release version for some reason (they had to deliver something, rather than push back dates again) do you think?
I just get the feeling we are being shown and promised a lot more than what was delivered. Yes, these will get addressed in time, but it feels a massive step-back in comparison to KSP1 at the moment.
(Not had any performance issues as such; just kraken attacks when staging (separators, not), but frame rates have been pretty consistent on my own PC (3070ti, AMD-5600x, 64GB RAM, Win 11).)
Hopefully I'll change my mind in the coming weeks/months.