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  1. Got a bit more to add now: ESC should clear all open windows. 1 press to clear them, a 2nd press to open the menu. The science clipboard, when open, gets in the way of pilot portraits. There doesn't seem to be a way to close it, except for the button in the app bar. The above would be a good fix but better to make it a movable window, like all the other pop ups. The compass on top of the navball tends to go all over the place when youre looking at poles, sitting on the pad, etc. Y'all might consider adding/expanding the deadzone for that to keep the compass under control. This could also help with strange SAS behavior.
  2. Adding in experimental science for points would be way cool, maybe integrate a missions menu into the r&d page? Sounds like an opportunity to add in some more learning material, like atmospheric temp/density, plate tectonics, etc.
  3. I'll weigh in with my rig to add a midrange machine to the mix. I consider my rig midrange, as it was when i bought it almost 3 years ago. Im rocking: Intel i5 10400F at 2.9 GHz Gigabyte GTX1660 Super 6GB vram 16 GB DDR4, 3400MHz iirc Currently, with fs! and the many improvements the past year I'll get a solid 60 frames on a new game. As the number of flights increases, I start getting lag in the vab and sub-40fps in flight, I suspect it's a mix of the game and my rig. The game is certainly doable on midrange machines, and I'd anticipate further improvements as time goes on.
  4. I had this recently also. I had a mk1 pod, 2 radial drogue chutes rotated 90° on top, and 2 radial mk1 chutes right underneath them, normally oriented. I popped the chutes about 5 seconds after the thermal effects wore off, but only the drogues deployed. I tried everything the op did, no joy. Splashed down at 13ish m/s, somehow survived.
  5. Hear, hear. Ive been checking out the fs update, and its running much better than it was. Still get a few hiccups here and there, but again its much better.
  6. My biggest issue with the UI is the text is hard for me to read. The UI scale helps a bit, but being able to scale the text up would be nice. My resolution is 1920×1080, i havent tried lowering the res to see if it helps. Tutorials for rendevouz and docking would be nice too. Idk if there in now with the fs update, but i dont recall seeing them early on in the ea release.
  7. I agree. It would be nice having more science parts to do science with, similar to SCANsat. It would be really cool if optics got involved, for checking out anomalies, monuments, ateroids, etc. Admittedly there would be a rebalancing of how science points get distributed, but it would encourage players to try something different.
  8. Hes usually whizzing by on the main menu. To my understanding, there is a bug that lets main menu props spawn in game. Relaoding your game should put him safely back into the menu.
  9. Ive just had this happen after landing on Minmus. Reloading the game did not bring the orbital line back, and it seems to have dismantled my ship. Using the engine makes the ship spin wildly. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/1jXUEAK EDIT: I poked around one of the autosave files, and changed my ships status from "Landed" to "Orbiting". My ship is now whole, and i was able to recover my Minmus orbit. YMMV.
  10. KSP Version: Operating System and version: Windows 10 build 19045.2604 CPU and GPU: i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER 6GB Description of the bug. Expected Behavior: Kerbals safely on the ground. Observed Behavior: Kerbals spawning near flight article, flying away at high speed. Said Kerbals began spawning at about 20,000m and continue spawning in orbit every few seconds. Kerbals can not be interacted with, tracked or followed. Steps to Replicate: Fixes / Workarounds: Reload your save to prevent needless Kerbal casualties. No mods. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/Pq2LSyr
  11. Im also having issues with SAS. It appears to be doing things even if it doesnt need to, such as sitting on the launch pad. I can see the heading marker on top of the navball swing from N to S.
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