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Posts posted by ShadowDev

  1. On 8/3/2024 at 5:57 AM, SheepDog2142 said:

    Way to go! You really stuck it to the suits who shut down KSP2... oh wait, they probably didn't even notice. All you've done is hurt the fellow fans who love KSP2 and want to keep playing. Instead of making a point, you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face, hurting the community more than anyone else.

    Imagine if instead, we channeled that frustration into something productive, like supporting modders or creating content that keeps the spirit of KSP2 alive. That way, we'd be building up the community rather than tearing it down. Then we would really have something.

    Me and @The Space Peacock are working on something for the people who stick around with ksp2 in the long run. This is going to take time to do. The Space Peacock has shared some details about this in the KSC discord (ex intercept server). im trying to not share too much right now as generating hype generates stress and I dont want to add timelines to this.

    We might expand the team at later points. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Lisias said:

    It's done, the github repository is no more. SpaceDock still have them, but the downloads don't have a copy of the license, so right now no one knows the terms of the "Bitstudios Public Use License" .  CKAN says it's "open-source", but this is a false advertisement (seriously!!).

    Without the original repository with the license, and no license file on the distribution packages, and not even a copy of the text of the license on the Forum's thread, I'm afraid that anything published by him should be, unfortunately, taken down.

    Sorry to break it to you. :(

    I'm afraid this Forum will start to harvest what they were sewing for some time, ignoring the consequences of bad licensing (or plain disrespecting them).

    The repos are private now cus I will probably cannibalize some of the code for other projects.
    heres a copy of the license https://github.com/Bit-Studios/sealeopard/blob/master/License

  3. 27 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Are you simply going to stop supporting your KSP2 mods?  Or are you taking them all off SpaceDock so nobody can use them any longer?

    I will be taking them down so no one can use them. keeping them up would only fill Take twos pockets, instead of the people who worked on the game. 

  4. Dear fellow KSP2 players, Modders, enthusiasts, and especially the Intercept Games team,

    The recent news of mass layoffs across Intercept Games, Private Division, and the wider Take-Two family has left me heartbroken and deeply disillusioned. While I understand the complexities of business decisions, these actions are a severe blow to passionate developers and have sent shockwaves through our community.

    I want to take this moment to express my profound gratitude to the Intercept Games team. Your hard work, dedication, and sheer talent have brought us the framework for an incredible space exploration experience. KSP2's potential shines, and that is a testament to your unwavering commitment.

    A special thank you goes to @Dakota, whose engagement with the modding community has been instrumental. Your insights, support, and openness to our ideas have fostered a space where creativity and collaboration can truly thrive.

    While I will still cherish the joy of modding and the unique flavor it adds to the KSP experience, I cannot in good conscience continue to support a project ultimately under the control of Take-Two. Their recent actions feel like a betrayal of the talent and passion that fuels this game, and I cannot remain complicit.

    The circumstances of my departure leave a bitter taste, but I hold no ill will towards the Intercept Games team. To you, I say - your work is valued, your contributions are immense, and I deeply respect the difficult situation you've been placed in.

    At the end of June is the final day my mods will be on spacedock.

    Kind regards,


  5. 9 hours ago, Mattness said:

    When is the ship "paid" ?

    For example, let's say that I want to bring my rocket to the launchpad just to see how its lightning works ? I won't launch the rocket but just test the lighningt. Will it cost me 2 times (one for lightning test and the other for the real launch) ?

    when its sent to the pad is when the funds are deducted. first from the Budget balance and if your budget balance is 0 it then uses your funds.
    if you are just testing, reverting the flight will give you the money back. (a gui bug shows this not happening, but it does. still working on fixing that bug)

    Just now, ShadowDev said:

    when its sent to the pad is when the funds are deducted. first from the Budget balance and if your budget balance is 0 it then uses your funds.
    if you are just testing, reverting the flight will give you the money back. (a gui bug shows this not happening, but it does. still working on fixing that bug)

    The next update 0.0.3 will give a breakdown of both balances. 
    you can see them in the save file at Kerbal Space Program 2\ModSaveData\[your save name]\kapitalism in that folder you will have a list of saves.
    you will see a key of Budget and one for Funds, they are the 2 balances. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Mattness said:

    I got to ask because I did not find the answer yet.

    How is the "budget" system working. I can see that I ween around 0.5 budget per mission. Is it a multiplier ? Am I actually winning 0.5 $ ?
    I don't get how it works.

    Many thanks Kerbonauts !

    The budget system works like this

    Every year budget gets reset to (1000 * Budget Multiplier)

    The budget in the mission refers to the multiplier that gets added to your total budget multiplier. 

    so if you click on kapitalist you start with 5x multiplier aka 1000 * 5
    lets say you do a mission with a budget reward of 0.5, that will add 0.5 to the multiplier. you wont see any changes until the next game year when you get your new budget. 

    the total money you see is current years budget + funds 

    the budget system will come more into play in future updates where you balance private company vs government ran org.

  7. 9 hours ago, Darknote said:

    Yes, here: Player.log

    Not sure if the player log helps, let me know if anything else is needed!

    In the meantime, I will return to KSP1 :( 

    You seem to be having some very odd permission issues.

    As far as I can tell this is not mod related. 

    have you installed any new software recently? 

  8. 5 hours ago, Darknote said:

    I don't know why, but Windows is derping when I try to open that location?


    But I did get the player logs, from Appdata/LocalLow/Intercept Games/KSP2

    Kerbal Space Program 2 Player Logs.7z

    Not sure if that helps, sorry :(

    EDIT: Reinstalled the game again, now saving crafts works, but Contracts don't get completed once I reach past 10km altitude... Attached ModSaveData:

    you have a dot at the end of a folder, that will cause it to be inaccessible. will add a fix for that in so dots get removed.

    do you have the logs for the "Contracts don't get completed" part. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Darknote said:

    So this is interesting. After playing for 1 hour, the Funds disappear from top right of the screen, and in the VAB I get Kapitalism error after trying to launch vehicles.



    I love this mod too much, so I am pretty disheartened to try again and have the same thing happen :(

    Can you please have a look?  .ckan file is here:


    And save file is here:

    New New New Beginnings.7z

    Thank you for any advice!


    EDIT: After starting a new campaign, same issue present. Kapitalism gives error and does not show Funds.
    EDIT^2: Deleted and Re-installed everything else. Hopefully this will be fine...
    EDIT^3: Now my workspace is not saving with my rocket and my missions are not getting completed anymore xD

    I think I will come back to this game next year. Cheers!

    Hi can you send me the mod save data folder. its at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\ModSaveData"

  10. 5 hours ago, Darknote said:

    So this is interesting. After playing for 1 hour, the Funds disappear from top right of the screen, and in the VAB I get Kapitalism error after trying to launch vehicles.



    I love this mod too much, so I am pretty disheartened to try again and have the same thing happen :(

    Can you please have a look?  .ckan file is here:


    And save file is here:

    New New New Beginnings.7z

    Thank you for any advice!


    EDIT: After starting a new campaign, same issue present. Kapitalism gives error and does not show Funds.
    EDIT^2: Deleted and Re-installed everything else. Hopefully this will be fine...
    EDIT^3: Now my workspace is not saving with my rocket and my missions are not getting completed anymore xD

    I think I will come back to this game next year. Cheers!

    Hi thanks for the bug report. 

    I will try to get this fixed ASAP

  11. On 3/7/2024 at 7:41 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    Choosing SSH Executable?
    Choosing HTTP Backend?
    Configure the Line Ending Conversions?
    Configure the Terminal Emulator to use with Git Bash?
    Choose the Default Behavior of "Git Pull"?
    Choose Credential Manager?

    just go with the default options. none of that really matters. 

    the best place to get help will be on the ksp2 modding discord

  12. 18 hours ago, Mcralle said:

    Fixed it with a complete CKAN Mod wipe and reload with just Kapitalism loaded...

    Do you know what mods you had loaded so I can test to see if I can replicate and then fix. 

  13. Kapitalism 0.0.2



    • New Kapitalism stats menu
    • Rewards for collecting science
    • Notifications on fund and budget updates
    • Spend count in OAB


    • Save system now tracks based on games save
    • Moved Money into the stats menu


    • Money duplication glitch from missions being marked as done multiple times
    • On save revert would not revert money






  14. On 4/17/2024 at 11:46 PM, Devblaze said:

    Are you able to replace the science icons in the mission control with the corresponding icons for what they represent?

    Is it possible to somehow get a costs menu open when you're building your craft?

    Science icons in the mission control I have looked into and not seen any way to do it. I will get it to work its just not high on the list. 

    0.0.2 will have a cost summary in the OAB. and on a 0.1.x update will have it broken down per stage. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Sсhmülya said:

    I have some issues with mission rewards - it looks like at your screenshot, but after "Sience: some_digits" I see "None: some_digits" and "None: some_digits". I guess it should be "Funds:  some_digits" and "Budget:  some_digits"

    Hi it looks like I messed up a configuration. uninstall and reinstall and it should work

  16. Hotfix

    It seems like I had forgot to include the patcher in the zip. this hotfix will fix that and the issues associated with it being missing

    On 4/13/2024 at 3:10 PM, YoGramGram said:

    Was skeptical about how good/logical this mod would function until I saw that it is made by ShadowDev lol, we good in the club.

    Edit: After playing it, the actual gameplay and item costs seem really balanced, although I am personally noticing two things: 1) I can't seem to find the total cost of a vessel (the cost of each item is displaying though, so I've been able to do mental math keeping track), 2) funding rewards seem to not be present in mission control debriefings (and the descriptions), which is the real bullet in the foot right now. Other than that, I am excited to hopefully soon start playing this game with more constraints.

    Hi I think part 2 of this should be fixed with the above hotfix.

  17. 2 hours ago, krebork said:

    It seems right now as the anticipated fund rewards for missions (5k for the first rocket launch, etc.) do not work, making progression with the default part prices nearly impossible without passively waiting a year between each mission.

    Thanks for the feedback. 

    I agree on that. the part prices are not good atm and as stated in the quoted post I am looking for people to help direct what the prices should be, please do give suggestions. 
    but I also think the administration default for kapitalist is too low since its supposed to be the easy mode. I plan to up it to 10k, with the 2 medium options being at 5k and the hard option being 1k.

    I am also taking into account future updates that will add in extra ways of getting funds and budget, examples of future ways being:

    • Vessel recovery (depending on distance)
    • Bringing back science (value based on how much you bring back, modified by where you got it from)
    • Administrative building (allows you to hire staff to give modifying effects on everything) 
    • Mission generator (being moved to its own mod, gives unlimited missions based on criteria) 

    1 parachute, 1 capsule, 2 tanks and an engine should get you past mission 1.  

  18. On 4/13/2024 at 3:10 PM, YoGramGram said:

    Was skeptical about how good/logical this mod would function until I saw that it is made by ShadowDev lol, we good in the club.

    Edit: After playing it, the actual gameplay and item costs seem really balanced, although I am personally noticing two things: 1) I can't seem to find the total cost of a vessel (the cost of each item is displaying though, so I've been able to do mental math keeping track), 2) funding rewards seem to not be present in mission control debriefings (and the descriptions), which is the real bullet in the foot right now. Other than that, I am excited to hopefully soon start playing this game with more constraints.

    Thanks for the feedback, its really appreciated.
    Total cost of vessel has not been added to the ui yet (plan to add this in the 0.0.2 update)
    The part costs are not totally done yet, currently its a modified ksp1 part costs. so lots of parts still have no cost (set to 10)
    trying to crowdsource the part costs since thats the best way to get something that everyone can agree on.
    so if you wish to help with the part costs heres the instructions to enable the part cost editor:
    1. Install kapitalism
    2. Run the game
    3. Close the game
    4. Edit this file
    Kerbal Space Program 2\Config\Kapitalism.config


    This will enable the part cost editor
    5. boot the game back up
    6. go to the oab (vab
    7. place a part
    8. right click part
    9. edit part cost to what you think it should be
    10. when you are happy with the part costs DM me on discord shadowdev alternatively you can share the file in the modding discord. 

    you can find the part cost file here `Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\Kapitalsim\PartData.json`

    Dont edit costs of modded parts since mod developers can set this when creating their parts in unity.

    could you get me a screenshot of this and where you expect this to be so I can create a plan around it for a future update.

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