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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. what about shuttle orbiter construction kit is that planned
  2. Banned for banning people with phones and spells
  3. True true 0/10 have not seen you yet
  4. 7/10 seen you around visited your profile
  5. 1/10 who r u @kspbiuitscursed that who i am 10/10
  6. could you fix the typos in my name kspbutitscursed thanks
  7. Banned for banning another user for banning you Ayyy new page Ha you can not an me for mispelling my name lol
  8. mission 1 the hopper i did get any images of the ascent because i was worrying about the flight itself MK 1 landing mk 2 entry mk 2 parachute
  9. ksp but its cursed banned for havig three l's in your username
  10. Banned for spaghettiing your kerbals Also I joined 3 weeks ago
  11. Banned for banning me for banning you about the page making function 22453252023
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