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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. not necroposting THATS NOT KERBAL FORUMS necroposting NOW THATS KERBAL FORUMS
  2. SE: yu make them vanish to your account SP: to be able to teleport to any launch site at will.
  3. gorgeous aircraft @AlamoVampire do you watch Ramy RC he has made an aircraft similar to that. B777-200er
  4. Floor 4362: a creepy demonic voice that says ZUUUUUUUULLLL!!!!!!
  5. the air strike was 10 meters off target and missed MJ-0 and the velocity raptors they then fire up their rcokets and rocket after the Ranger 3 and then start firing SRB's at the ranger which has to doge and weave while staying on course for kerbin one of the rockets hit the engines which the caused the Ranger to go spinning off towards Tylo where they have another base set up.
  6. banned by me to the upper deck of the A380
  7. A380-800 Nancy Bird Walton VH-OQA
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