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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. we forgot to check the staging on the starship flight test
  2. Banned to right hand lower seat of orion To the mun
  3. banned tot the lower left hand seat of orion
  4. BOLE realplume config same as photon corp and in redirect @PART[benjee10_SLS_BOLE_booster]:NEEDS[Benjee10_Orion]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %powerEffectName = Solid-Lower !runningEffectName = DELETE } @EFFECTS { @running_solid // Replace Solid-Lower with the name of the prefab you're modifying { @AUDIO { @clip = RSMP/Sounds/srb-loop-2
  5. your welcome i will try that next time i load up ksp
  6. the starship launch was a sucess but it decided to flip
  7. banned @kerbiloid for being in the seat below you also i am right insrument panel seat of orion
  8. nah you am i sit in front of the istrumment panel therefore we have a window seat
  9. Us 2 in orion I can arrange that Alamo kerman and kspbutitscursed kerman of ACK's orion going to the moon
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