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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. @AlamoVampire what about me MOAR CLICKS this is CLICKbait
  2. oops my bad must have clicked CTRL ENTR by accident while waiting but there was at least 5 minutes????? OH wait p42 post is invalid
  3. CLICk hey guys this could be CLICKbait i just got ninja'd by @Ben J. Kermanlol
  4. Hello nazalassa 10/10 Negative negative
  5. Click @AlamoVampire are you here let's click Moar clicks Also wen
  6. Wait a minute wrong thread banned Banned for wanting chaos oh wait
  7. Remove avp and install the gitlab ksrss remove opm and add parallax delete the configs folder from parallax stock textures
  8. SUPER HEAVY nukes pad people die
  9. Granted it breaks up I wish for the mods to open up don't click this
  10. Presuming that I am presuming is cheating
  11. Banned for being in this thread Legit reason this thread I chaos
  12. Ksp volumetric clouds just released CLICK here to find out how to download
  13. Presuming that anyone who cares think that I am cheating CHEATER
  14. Gran5ed you download 775 pages of paper I wish for parallax to have scatters
  15. Banned for banning me for banning yet again
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