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Everything posted by Safarte

  1. Huh, this sounds very weird, will investigate ASAP
  2. Version 0.4.3 released! Enhancement: Moved around the orientation of various indicators in the Docking instrument to make it more intuitive to use (thanks to @DaveLChgo for the feedback on this).
  3. Thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely look into my calculations of crafts orientations as soon as possible.
  4. Thanks for enjoying the mod! And yes, non-lethal consequences is one of the top items on my TODO-list for KLSS.
  5. You can look at how I did the patches to integrate KLSS into the stock tech tree as a reference if you want: https://github.com/Safarte/KerbalLifeSupportSystem/blob/main/plugin_template/patches/stock_tech_tree.patch
  6. You can open the instrument by clicking the relevant button in the application tray in the "app.bar" menu at the bottom right of the flight UI.
  7. I haven't heard about this issue until now, does this happen with all life-support parts or only the greenhouse & composter?
  8. Version 0.5.2 released! Other: Support for Patch Manager version 0.7.0 Thanks to @cheese3660 for the code & release build of this update. Note: If you're using CKAN to install the update, please be patient, there's a bug in the current CKAN version which has to do with time zones, meaning it may take an hour after release before you can successfully download the zip.
  9. I don't think it should, I won't be able to fix the mod if it has issues until after the 30th of December. In the meantime, could you try uninstalling and reinstalling all mods as well as verifying game files in Steam (if you use Steam) just to be sure nothing else is causing the issue?
  10. How did you install the mod? What other mods do you have installed? What Operating System are you using (Windows, Linux, ...)?
  11. Thanks for the feedback, for the relative rotation indicator I used both docking ports' "up" vector but I haven't looked very deeply into the fine behaviour of this. I'll add a deeper dive into this system to my list of stuff to do for this mod. Speaking of which, a small sneak peak into what I'm thinking about for the future of this mod:
  12. Version 0.5.1 released! Fixed: Life-support supplies not being consumed for unloaded crafts Fixed: Kerbals on unloaded crafts dying before supplies ran out
  13. This issue has been reported by a few people, I think it is related to the known issue of background resource consumption being broken. We have a fix in the works that should come pretty soon.
  14. Version 0.5.0 released! Added: Stock Tech Tree integration for KLSS parts
  15. Updated to v0.4.2 Other: Compatibility with KSP2 version 0.2.0
  16. Version 0.4.1 released! Bugfix: re-added 1 day of supplies to External Command Seat
  17. Version 0.4.0 released! Enhancements: Life-support supplies are correctly transferred to and from Kerbals going on EVA. If other Kerbals remain in the part from which an EVA is started, the amount of supplies is split evenly. Added: M-size inline Composter (converts Waste into Fertilizer, capacity of 10 Kerbals) Balancing: M-size inline greenhouse: changed production capacity for Unfertilized mode from 4 to 2 Balancing: M-size inline greenhouse: changed production capacity for Fertilized mode from 8 to 4 Balancing: Changed Fertilized mode to consume Fertilizer instead of Waste
  18. That was a very interesting read, thanks for this blog!
  19. Here you go: https://github.com/Safarte/KerbalLifeSupportSystem/blob/main/images/PARTS_GALLERY.md (added to main post)
  20. Hi, you should hop on the KSP2 Modding Society discord there will be many people there willing to help you get started with your mods.
  21. [snip] Apparently the devs have contingency plans in place according to Darrin:
  22. Updated to v0.4.1 Enhancement: Added option to switch between linear & log scale for the tangent offset and velocity indicators (default: linear)
  23. Version 0.3.0 released! Added: XS-size radial life-support containers Added: M-size inline life-support containers Added: M-size radial life-support containers Balancing: Removed Water & Oxygen recyclers from the External Command Seat Balancing: Set the amount of life-support resources for the External Command Seat to 1 day (same as EVA) Balancing: Modified some other life-support containers values
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