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Everything posted by Toaster355

  1. (Click the image for more screenies!) Hello everyone! I had NO idea how much I left out and got wrong about DIRECT until I watched Jupiter DIRECT: LIVE and read through the DIRECT website. For example, the Jupiter-120, which was in 2 missions (which I even had to completely rename the one in CFT-1, because I was an idiot and used a 120 when it very much should've have been a 130) was never going to fly. Only the Jupiter-130 and Jupiter-246 were the recommended and picked versions of the DIRECT team. The Shuttle wouldn't have retired until 2011, as it did in IRL, and it would have been extended by 2 missions to close the workforce "gap" even further. I'm starting to think... I should completely redo the timeline, without Freedom in it. I think you can see now how my timeline conflicts a LOT of what would've happened if DIRECT was picked in 2009. I want to restart, but it will set us back several missions. And before I restart, I want to look at little more at DIRECT and what the timeline would have been. What do you think?
  2. Announcement tomorrow. Enjoy some screenshots of me toying with my Jupiter-130 and Orion!
  3. The first post has received it's second major update. ____________________ Actually... nope. I was using the default Scatter sunflare, haha. How does that look for you?
  4. Nah that's okay, I love sharing with you all how I do my stuff. I used conformal decals, haha. I created a flag in completely light-gray, put it on a decal with a really high depth, and made it large enough to cover the entire capsule. Also something I forgot to say when making the first mission here, is I was sorry for a docking hatch being on top. Don't know why I thought putting one of those on a boilerplate would make any sense.
  5. Sorry for the late response! I don't think I use his white one, I'm pretty sure I use his high diamond sunflare. But I'm not sure, I'll check once I'm out of school.
  6. Sweeeeet dude. Happy anniversary! And thank YOU again for supporting my threads too. Here's to another year of Beyond!
  7. October 30th, 2012 Ares 2 | High Altitude Abort Test ____________________ Nearly 7 months after CFT-1, on Halloween Eve, a third Jupiter-120 is rolled out with Orion 002 on top. The Launch Abort System will be put to the test today. Engineers (and the world) will discover if it can bring a crew to safety from a malfunctioning rocket. "Main engine ignition." The flight director's voice echoes across the Floridan coast. "LIFTOFF!" "Roll program has started, turning the vehicle to the correct heading for it's short flight." "And we have reached max Q, the point in the flight where Jupiter's main engines throttle down as the rocket experiences maximum aerodynamic stress." "Almost 1 minute and 30 seconds into the flight now. Standing by for the CEV's abort." "Abort motors are lit. FTS has been activated." "FTS has destroyed the rocket and our CEV is safe!" The CEV steers itself using the powerful RCS at the top of the LAS. After about 7 seconds, the LAS runs out of propellent but does not detach to ensure the CEV stays aerodynamic as it passes through the atmosphere. "Orion flips over before a safe jettison of the LAS." "Standing by for LAS jettison." CEV-002 is revealed, after being hidden by the LAS for most of the flight. This is the final flight of a black-tiled variant of these capsules. Coasting for another couple minutes before kissing the atmosphere again. Keeping itself oriented with it's own thrusters. The forward heat shield pops off and the twin drogue chutes are deployed, followed by the main chutes shorty after. "And a safe splashdown of Orion 002!" The capsule is now fully crew-rated, and ready for a crewed test flight next year!
  8. High Altitude Abort Test Out tomorrow! I'll keep it short, so a quick mission like this doesn't get too dragged on. Go watch this tomorrow while you wait!
  9. Any plans for a Jupiter-246 Stretched Heavy type engine mount? Not that I need one right now, but that would be sick! And thank you @EStreetRockets and @Invaderchaos so much for... everything this mod has to offer. You guys are carrying my DIRECT thread.
  10. Sorry for the wait. Just experiencing a bit of burnout, and playing other games (mostly DCS, my favorite flight simulator). High-Altitude Abort Test will be out this week.
  11. I already told him about that, but he seems to want to keep it to his more cinematic thread. He might think that Beyond is a more casual thread for him to do what he does however he wants. Breaking ground surface experiments are also a good idea though!
  12. I did indeed notice, and I liked almost everything! The only suggestion I may have would be to change the crew list to something like this: __________ Crew Commander Seefield Kerman MLV Pilot Jully Kerman Mission Specialist Bill Kerman Also I find it strange that your vertical screenshots are still in 1080p but look smaller than mine. I think it might be because you make a space right before placing another screenshot? Quick test to see if it's the same way for me: Nope... Mine still look larger? Strange
  13. Taking a bit of a break from KSP, playing a lot of DCS. Here are a lot of screenshots of some things I've been doing: F-14 Aerial Refueling: Overwhelming Force Mission (Included with the F-16C Module): 4YA Caucasus PVE: 4YA Aerobatics; Formation Practicing: F-16 Aerial Refueling 1: 4YA Aerobatics; F-16 Aerial Refueling 2:
  14. Sweet, excited for the nest mission! NOOOOOOO I'm so sorry, writing out missions like that is so painfully long I like the festive PFP though
  15. Sure, here's my parts mod list for everything you've seen in this thread so far: O.R.A.N.G.E.S. - Almost all parts for the Common Core Stage; Inline EFT parts, engine mounts, instrument rings and fairings. Photon Corp. - RSRB parts. Artemis Construction Kit; Everything for Orion, except the circular solar arrays. Restock+ - Circular Solar Arrays. Conformal Decals - Self explanatory; flags and decals. Bluedog DB - Delta Cryogenic Second Stage and RS-68s. Modular Launch Pads - Jupiter Mobile Launcher. Hullcam VDS Continued - External cameras.
  16. April 6th, 2012 CEV Flight Test-1 About a year after the demise of STS-132, the new capsule for crewed spaceflight prepares to take to the skies for the first time. This flight will be a large nod to Exploration Flight Test-1. ____________________ ____________________ Thanks for reading, everyone! And sorry for the weird white highlight, I do not know how to get rid of it. You can look at a bonus here, but it is not a good one... This, and I am not joking, may permanently ruin the AVP skybox for you. Do NOT open the spoiler if you are not willing to see something you will likely never be able to unsee. ____________________ Next Flight: High-Altitude Abort Test
  17. I certainly would! Is Mr. @GoldForest still a fan of the Ares launchers? Though it may not be obvious, I absolutely love these rockets too; I totally would've done a Constellation thread if Jay didn't.
  18. Niceee!!! I'm very proud of you, these look fantastic! Thanks for listening And yes, I know I've been dead for a couple weeks but I promise, PROMISE I will finish the next flight tomorrow. It will maybe be out on the forums tomorrow too, and if it isn't, than I'm extremely confident it will be out on Tuesday. And if not, worse case scenario, Wednesday. Keep it up mate!
  19. Fantastic idea! I even think it might already be in development; at 1:22 of this very old video, after Kerbol sets, the surface seems to be illuminated? Could it just be the camera adjusting to the darkness, or is the Mun lighting up the sky?
  20. Thank you for the help and the fix, but @OrbitalManeuvers already helped. Even though I have no memory, I accidently installed Boulderco. so KSRSS was using the EVE configs for the stock system instead of the ones included with KSRSS. Thank you again for the help though!
  21. I get this error every time I start the game lol I don't seem to have any real issues when playing though, so I just ignore it. Would love it to be fixed though as it's pretty annoying to close.
  22. Okay. Just making sure Also everyone, I forgot to ask something; Which Service Module and Solar Panel models do you want? And for everyone's information, I revamped nearly everything and fixed almost every mistake I could on the first post here (except for the mission). I strongly recommend reading it again!
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