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Little 908

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    Skiing on Vall
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    Professional kerbal torturer
    - - + - - - - + - -
    Its been a long ride kerbonauts, but this ride found an issue and had to be sent back down.  I hope you all find the significance that ksp2 once gave you in another game.
    - - + - - - - + - -
    "The sky isn't the limit, your delta V is" - p.a.i.g.e probably

    M O A R boosters™

    100 Rep in only 20 days! - 04/12/23

    200 rep

    Sending kerbals at mach ∞² into kerbol

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  1. "we would like to mention that we do not recommend this thread for posting questions about Principia anymore" "The SUPPORT file on GitHub lists the recommended options for getting help with using the mod or for reporting bugs." Far Future Technologies will work with this
  2. Banned for shutting down the forums
  3. ksp2 was supposed to be a sequel to the original game, but ended up being its coffin.
  4. When can we expect to see these multi layer clouds?
  5. If you acknowledge what we have right now. We literally have robots that are capable of doing all your chores, fighting . We have constructed a few billion dollar space station in LEO. We have sent probes near every planet. We have done a lot of things that we dreamt of in sci-fi movies back at the start of the space race. So its likely we will have stuff we say is fiction now.
  6. R.I.P. Ferkin Kerman Overheated in Venus's atmosphere during reentry.
  7. Im really not hoping this is just them being lazy, and also pray that this will only speed up development and not hide the lack of it.
  8. Hello, I sometimes make ksp cinematics too! P.S. you might have @ the wrong person
  9. Vector engine because its great for everything.
  10. I feel like Spacex always releases the on-board footage a month or two after launch.
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