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Everything posted by ThatGust

  1. Excuse me for asking but, is Venera-2 in the mod? Yesterday i kitbashed one and just found out you were working on one, thanks in advance Edit: My TantaresSP was outdated, sorry for the inconveniencies.
  2. Hi, is there any plans to add the other probes of the Luna program? Thanks in advance
  3. As I said, I've heard that it's still in development. I don't know how much the mod has advanced since the last update, but now, we can only wait in my opinion. But if it ever just get stuck in development, just releasing Buran would be nice
  4. This one, I'm aware there exists a couple or variations but, the main concept remains the same
  5. I've been planning to try to make one, my modeling skills are rusted up but I can try. My doubt is what the title of the thread says, I'm aware about the MAKS from Raíz btw, but that mod has been made to work with a realistic solar system.
  6. Yep that's Benjee's unfinished Buran, with textures that the community did Kats as far as I know hasn't been released
  7. I've been told that there is progress, although very slow. Let's just be patient for the time being
  8. Just found this thread recently, you guys are making magic right here, absolute great job! By the way, I hope everything is alright with the dev team, it's been a while since you guys made posts about the state of the mod, take your time and take care. One last question, is there plans for making MAKS in the future? If not, you guys know of someone making one? I'm aware of the one Raiz released a while back btw
  9. There is one, sort off, that you can make taking pieces of other mods here and there. In the image seen previously on this thread, there are: - Cockpit and Rear: Parts of the unfinished Buran proyect by the SOCK team -Body: Straight up from SOCK, but the texture i believe is from SOCK Recolored -Wings: Equal as before, texture is from SOCK Recolored And the rest is straight up from Tantares and some parts from vanilla, and some custom decals that you can make or find. Regarding an actual SOCK Buran, well the dude that responded me before is finishing the SOCK one, but still all WIP Go to the page 3 and 4 of the thread.
  10. The dev of SOCK has made some WIP parts for Buran. Those parts are in the dev Github of the mod, the parts aren't finished though, he only made the rear part of Buran and the cockpit itself, the main body and wings are missing.
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