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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Wauw! I humbly submit my intended double circomnavigation of Minmus with a tracked vehicle. All participants have circomnavigated a body over the poles or along the equator. I intend to do both in one go. I will be starting at position 0,0 and plant a flag, return there the long way, turn 90 degrees and do it all over again. I will be making screenprints every 10 degrees (or as close as i can get it) and place a science package at every 30 degrees. I considered doing that every 10 degrees but i'm afraid 72 craft in one game might break it. So i'll attempt it at 30 degrees. I had intended to do the circomnavigation of Minmus with a tractor and two trailers however testdriving the combination showed that it was inherently unstable. It usually ended in a pileup. So it will be attempted with the tractor and one trailer instead (the trailer had to be modified after the screenprint was made due to this). Both combinations can be seen in the screenprint below. I am using a lot of mods mostly for esthetic reasons. Some for other reasons. MechJeb will only be used to get the tractor and the trailer to Minmus. Absolutely not during the drive on Minmus. That will be hands on only, navigation will be performed with Historian. Trickery like Hyperedit and KerbalJointReinforcement will not be used.I will add the link to the thread about the journey later to his post.
  2. First of all, I still think it's very unfortunate that the extendable docking port in the K cockpit doesn't work correctly. In most cases the developers have created a part in same shape as the craft (f.e. the MK2). I'd like to make a suggestion on a different kind of extendable docking port. To describe it very simple: a block where the docking port comes out of the top. The extending port consists of three or four telescopic segments which will span about 4 times the length of a Kerbal. The block has one node which can be attached internally in the existing bays. This would remove the need to create a special bodypart for the J and K series (and whatever sizes may follow). The size of the block should be such that it will also fit in a MK3 and a MK4. It might even be usefull to use externally for docking..
  3. It all depends on your personal preferences. Personally i like so many mods that i often run into trouble (memoryshortages). One thing you should really try is aviation lights. Not only for your aircraft but for all craft (rovers, rockets etc.)
  4. While your at it, could you provide some lights in the hydrophonic gardens?
  5. No need to apologise. Most probably there is some kind of mod clash because I have a lot of mods installed.
  6. I've done it with the mk2 cockpit as well. I merely show the designs because i like the K cockpit so much.
  7. I did that to no avail. After that i kept the station on screen and that didn't work as well.
  8. After the Tadpole here's the Ugly Ducklett. It's smaller than the Tadpole but it's still an SSTO with even easier flight characteristics.
  9. I'm trying this mod right now. I'm wondering: Is it possible to have several (same) missions at one time to different dockingports on one craft? *edit* Perhaps it's because i ordered more than one mission but it looks like the mod doesn't really do anything. When checking the status of the missions, all stay at "soon" no matter how long i wait. I could have docked a lot of ships in the elapsed time, so i'm removing this mod. A pity because it looked like a very useful mod.
  10. Several parts of the Civilian Population mod have a dry weight of around or even over 20 tons. There are several reasons why a 'weldingport' would be usefull. The most obvious is the partcount. The more parts the slower KSP gets. Another reason is accuracy. There is no way to place a part exactly at the desired place which will cause stabilityproblems. In real life this is done by including special fittings or connectionpoints to the structure. Docking ports give the required accuracy but at the cost of increasing the partcount. The proposed part doesn't make tugs or robotarms obsolete, it just makes it easier to connect parts to a structure without getting an unreasonable number of dockingports used as a constructionpoints. I have considered using Extraplanetary Launchpads and even Hyperedit. Surely, it can be done with those but it doesn't feel the same. It would be very deprimental to the immersion in the game. I have also considered removing the limits on the mass a Kerbal can handle but then the accuracy would be an issue again. The same applies to using magnetic connections. Building large stations and bases really IS rocket science *sigh *.
  11. Your recommendation has been noted. The fueltank was only used as an example. Now please recommend how to attach parts with an empty weight of over 20 tons without having to resort to using 20 kerbals (or more).
  12. I know that's possible however you need lots of kerbals to attach a heavy kerbal. Hardly practical when working in space. I believe a kerbal has a limit of 1 ton max. For a fueltank weighing 36 tons you'll probably need 36 which is a ludicrous number. (or have i completely misunderstood the limits?)
  13. KAs and KIS are both incredibly useful for the creation of bases and such. However, i feel one part is still missing. I'll explain the why and how of that part. Due to the limitation on mass, a Kerbal can't connect (very) large parts to, for example, a spacestation. If the user wants to add a large fuel tank to the station, he has to connect the fueltank with the help of two dockingports. What i propose is sort of a weldingport. It functions like a docking port but vanishes permanently when docked with another weldingport thereby making a connection as if two nodes were joined in the VAB. In the example of the fueltank, the station has a weldingport and the fueltank has a weldingport. They dock with each other. Both weldingports disappear and the fuel tank is connected to the station at the exact location of the welding port on the station. (Thereby increasing the total number of parts by one instead of three and creating a stronger bond). As this functions comparably to the attach function in KIS, i believe it's possible to create such a part. The question is if you agree that such a part would by useful.
  14. I.m.h.o. you can't compare the current K cockpit with the new K cockpit. They're as different as the J and K models. You've asked me if i would prefer the new one over the old one. I'm sorry but i can't choose. I like the old one and i like the new one (in both textures). It's like you asked me if i would prefer a Hummer (old model) over a Rolls Royce (new model). I like 'm both. Should you replace the old with the new, i'll continue to use the old one as well.
  15. First of all, after seeing the poll, I like all cockpits but the K series the most. And it's absolutely NOT useless. I do have encountered a small bug with the K cockpit. When right clicking on it, the option "Control from here" appears twice. Before docking the uppermost is for the retractable docking port, the second one is for the K cockpit itself. AFTER docking the lower one does nothing or it reverts to the docking port. I have found no way to control the craft from the cockpit again .
  16. Curious that not more people have reacted so far on this new mod. It really fills a nieche in my opinion. It's really nice work, Starbuckministerfullerton! I absolutely love the choice this mod offers in the RCS departement. I've always thought there should be more types of RCS thrusterblocks stockwise. As you've welcomed suggestions, i would like to suggest to concentrate first on sepatrons. A lot of modders start by create fueltanks, engines and pods. Like RCS thrusterblocks, sepatrons usually are ignored although those are used on a lot of boosterstages.
  17. It is challenging to test it but i'm afraid you right even with MJ (but perhaps i will try it nevertheless .)
  18. I'm a lazy pilot so normally i use MechJeb. Just to prove it's very stable i've removed MechJeb completely and achieved orbit in the old fashioned way. It was stable on all three axis. My timing was a bit off so the orbit is not als circular as i would have liked but it took no effort whatsoever.
  19. This is truely a great mod! With it, i've created what i consider the most beautiful craft i've ever created.
  20. Congratulations with the release of a version of this great mod for 1.0.4! It can't have been easy so, well done!
  21. You both were a bit (too) quick to react. I wasn't done editing the first post. Thanks for the link. I didn't know that Kip Engineering had such a mod. Still, you don't need a plugin with this mod.
  22. In the stock game it isn't possible to dock two different docking ports. In a previous KSP version Fusty created a mod which overcame this problem. His mod consisted of four differently sized docking ports which all could dock with the other three ports. With the demise of the Kerbal Space Port the mod no longer is available. With this small mod i'm trying to fill the gap somewhat. This mod consists of two configuration files one of which combines the three stock docking ports into one port. The other one combines the two smallest docking ports into one port (multiport-. As expected both multiports are quite similar to the stock ports. All combinations of multiport-a, multiport-b and stock docking port Jr. will dock. The parts were created with the help of UbioZur's welding mod after which i modified the part.cfg's until they were usuable for every stock user. Multiport-a and -b are surface attachable and don't require an additional plugin. As the mod uses the models of stock parts, the original idea was Fusty's and it was created with UbioZur's brilliant mod, i claim no rights whatsoever. Published under BSD 2-clause “Simplified†License. Download at Spacedock
  23. I don´t know if this is the right place to put my plea. Should a moderator consider another subforum to be better suited fo it, feel free to move it. . I've been playing KSP for several years now and during that time many versions have come and gone. With each version new mods were developed, often to disappear when the next KSP version was released. In many cases a lot of work was put into extending the KSP experience by adding something which didn´t exist in the stock game. It IS a waste to let those mods vanish when a new KSP version is released. It might be argued that the new coding of KSP makes old mods unusable and therefor the mod has lost it´s value. I firmly believe differently. Yes, plugins and parts usually no longer can be used in the new version. However, plugins can be modified or simply be used as an example how to achieve something. Most parts which don´t use plugins can be made functional again by modifying the cfg files. The same applies to some parts which do use a plugin. A good example is the WEKA shuttle created by Lunniy Korabl. I´ve been using it ever since it was created. I therefor plea to create some sort of a repository for old mods. It´s certain some mods stored there won´t be usable ever again but some will. Every mod put there might inspire users to create another mod and the sources certainly will be helpfull in the development of them.
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