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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. This is something i've wished for for a long time!
  2. Gulp! Oh my {Deus}! This is something for the thread "You know you play KSP too much when ....".
  3. As the OP already said himself, it is an impossible thing to design. No physical object can be created with the current technology which will conform to all the stated requirements. As stated by another poster before, the data can be transmitted into the kosmos but even that doesn't ensure the survival of the data for that amount of time.
  4. Personally i would like it when landing gear/legs extending and retracting would get some priority. (Suggestion: the high pitch whine of an electrical motor as the extending/retracting occurs).
  5. Unless i'm mistaken, you'll need four reference points for an accurate determination of position. The angles with three reference points lead to two possible positions. The fourth reference point determines which of the two possible positions you're really at.
  6. Thank you. In that case there must be a clash between the used mods.
  7. I know it has been asked before but i am unable to find the solution in the forum. (sorry) My machine runs on Win7 - 64 bits and has 8 GB RAM, so KSP should have 4 GB available. But the process abends at around 2.7 GB. How can i set the available memory for KSP to 4 GB?
  8. The weka has waited 10 KSP versions, it can wait a little time extra. Happy new year.
  9. Modern: Classical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x9QIt_fqQE?t=1m32
  10. Minable planetoids which can (eventually) be changed into giant generationships.
  11. I have a request. At the time when the newest version of KSP was 0.13 a small craft was designed and created by Lunniy Korabl, the WEKA lifeboat spaceplane. (forum thread here). I've used it ever since and now at version 0.23 it still is one of the default mods i use. I would love to have a (general) mission patch for the WEKA. As i like the Lil'Spud patch very much, i've used it as a bases of the patch as i envision it. Take the Lil''Spud patch and remove the image of the spud and the contrail. Superimpose a "Stained glass design" of the WEKA over the planet (partly). Change the text LIL'SPUD into WEKA. Change JEBEDIAH KERMAN into WORKHORSE IN SPACE Lettering color orange (the original WEKA color) Cheers, TheCardinal
  12. It happens all too often that somebody announces a mod but never releases it. Judging by your own words (There is no estimated time for release of this mod, sorry. This is a long term project.), i fear the same will happen here. You seem to be someone who keeps on tinkering with your designs until you're satisfied they're perfect (which will never happen, by the way). At some stage other activities probably will claim so much time of your time that the development will cease and the mod will not be released.
  13. Nice parts. A shame they probably never will be released.
  14. I'm really enjoying the new cockpitless series! A shame so few people seem to agree with that (considering the low number of posts here).
  15. If ship manifest offers the same functionality as crew manifest combined with fuel balancer ......
  16. The idea of having a mod which takes out the tedious job of asparaging a craft is thrilling. Yet it seems it doesn't work for everybody. Some people (like me) fail to get a proper response from the mod. Apparently i'm not intelligent enough to use it, although the lack of instructions might have something to do with it as well. The lack of instructions makes an attempt to check if there's some kind of interferance with another mod as pointless as keeping this mod on my pc. What seemed like an ideal addition now is only a waste of space.
  17. when you watch a KSP video on Youtube, try to rotate the view with your mouse and get annoyed when that doesn't work.
  18. I don't know if requests are allowed here but i do have one: Very big parachutes. One of the problems i encounter when trying to land something heavy (f.e. a Rockomax Jumbo 64 plus Mainsail) is that it requires a large number of parachutes. It would be nice if there would be a specialised parachute for heavy loads, compressed in parts about the same size as the current ones but with an enormous chute when deployed. The weight of those parts should be (much) larger than the current ones to compensate for the extra size of the chute. Would you be able to create something like that?
  19. Would you mind making that cockpit available as a seperate part?
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