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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Two questions: 1) Where does the rescalefactor 2.57 come from? (first code part) 2) Could you give another example for my better understanding, f.i. combining three rcs of the same size?
  2. Thank you very much for the tutorials. I expect to be able to bring my own parts into KSP soon. I do have one remark, especially on tutorial 3. For you it is common practice to use Wings3d. Automatically you perform the modifications quite fast which makes it difficult to follow for someone who is new to Wings3d (like me). Explain more which keys or mouse buttons you press. I had to watch par 3 several times and still had to lookup some things to understand what you were doing. Yet, i now have the feeling i understand what is required to build a part. Thanks once again!
  3. It makes me think of Kerbal Space Center after a failed launch attempt of a new atomic engine.
  4. I like the instruments very much. Disadvantage is only the amount of screen covered by them. One thing i'm still missing is an anunciaterpanel (preferably with sound) with Master, Temp., Fuel, RCS, Electricity (etc.).
  5. I'd like to second this question. I don't know about the others, but it happens a lot to me that i missed an opportunity to connect something to a craft and discover that too late. It happens mostly with spacestations and docking ports, so it would be very helpful if it would be possible to attach dockingports via a special connector to the spacestation after launch.
  6. You're right, Devo. I seem to have a knack to choose the wrong words at the wrong time. Sorry for that. I do find it one of the most useful additions currently. The part is well balanced and doesn't come off too easy.
  7. The radial mount is one of the most useful additions i've seen recently. It's one of those things which makes you wonder why nobody else made it sooner.
  8. Thank you, Razcheck! I've been experimenting with it now and ....... i've corrupted KSP with it. I can't remove the last entry or the four blank (unusable) entries. In what file is the data written? (Perhaps i can repair it manually).
  9. I like the design (which means, please continue development), however i wonder if Kerbals would like to wake up with a view of a rotating universe. I suspect it would worsen the disorientation for Kerbals just after wakening up.
  10. Dioesn't it need to be a .mu file? With something_spawn in it? (or have i still not understood it completely?)
  11. Would somebody please create a suitable flat disc which i could use as a launching platform? Just a simple flat plate, colour or texture totally unimportant. 10 or 20 meters in diameter should be sufficient. I have absolutely NO unity and or Blender skills.
  12. Struts start at one point and end at a second point. As soon as the strut disconnects two reminants remain, one at the starting point and one at the end point. The end point will disappear when you go back to the space center and then return to the craft. (That proves that my suggestion was based on the misconception that those reminants are considered parts)
  13. Every time a strut disconnects a small reminant is left. In the case of radial decouplers it even can be six reminants. They most probably will count as one part (or even six) thereby increasing the part count. As craft and spacestations become more and more complex the lagging of KSP increases. Therefor i would like to suggest the removal of those functionless reminants after a strut disconnects (or a coupler decouples).
  14. That wouldn't be such a problem if a balancing system is installed which transfers a fluid (drinking water f.i) between a number of tanks thereby providing a counterweight.
  15. The pad which Crater mentioned are not suitable for my purposes, so I guess i will have to wait for that.
  16. Sorry, i haven't checked all 89 pages, but has anybody designed (and created) a better launchpad?
  17. There is a new version on Kerbal Spaceport. The version states 0.20.x but it works equally fine in 0.21. The testweights all contain the four sensors and a small RTG. As the Spaceport refuses to give me acces to the mod i can't include pictures or make other modifications (such as the title).
  18. Can anybody offer suggestions on what a nice launchpad/platform would be to use?
  19. I must agree with that. As it is now, it looks like a small shuttle for small operations not like a massive craft for getting massive parts into orbit.
  20. There are many mod developers with that knowledge. Why don't you contact one of those? (Devogen f.e.)
  21. I presume you mean MJ (and i agree fully). MJ is one of the parts which makes KSP fun for me (i am quite a bad pilot without MJ). My failure-rate is magnitudes worse without it. Besides, it takes labourious repetitive work out of my hands. However, let's not start a pro- vs contra MJ discussion here. Add it to the list, those who want to use it, use it and those who don't want to use it don;t.
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