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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Seems like a fun idea but not very practical if even possible. First of all, do you have the assurance from Squad that the sky won't change in later versions? If the sky changes all efforts were in vain. Secondly, how can/will you determine which object was meant from the description? I imagine several posts will be like "I name the purple star above the horizon of Mun so and so". Third, do you have a reference chart of the stars and other celestial objects? That seems to me to be the first (essential) requirement for such an undertaking. Sorry if it all sounds negative. I do like the idea to create a (named) star chart.
  2. The definite mod pack should contain parts not mods. Chances are that 75% of the parts of most mods will never be used by you.Choose the parts you like and use (often) from mods you like. KSP won't crash as much and loads faster.
  3. Why don't you design it yourself? There a quite a large number of parts available which allows to do just that. F.i. the um3kcorp multifunction utility panels.
  4. The wheels ARE from TouHou (version 0.3) Now i'm really drooling (seeing those two next to each other)!!
  5. A request: A persistence and/or craft file analyzer which specifies a (unique) partslist. Specifies details such as partname and manufacturer.
  6. A picture of one of the vehicles on mun and minmus.
  7. Perfect! A set longer than that probably will become more and more unrealistic (and cause more and more problems).
  8. Apparently, for you it is. If there are stock parts which you never use, remove them as well. I'm guessing you don't have a lot of physical memory in your system, so you'll have to make do with the parts you really use. KSP has become more and more demanding on the memory side and it probably will keep doing so as versions progress. Removing everything you don't need is your best option for the time being. It was the same for me until i upgraded to 8 GB memory (of which KSP still can use only a maximum of 3 to 3.5 GB).
  9. I don't know what you call a long set but I call the "proof of concept" already a long set. If that's included i will be very happy indeed. I usually don't work with the "standard" set of carts or vehicles. I tend to use vehicles which i design myself (ten to twelve meters long). Unfortunately i don't have an image available at this moment. The carrying capacity of the "proof of concept" (240 KMU) is more than twice as much as i need.
  10. Well, i do hope there will be a (very) long version available when you release the treads.
  11. Hmmm .... preset buttons. They would indeed be very usefull when i think about it.
  12. Just remove all the parts (from ALL the mods) which you don't use anyway. You'll see that KSP will behave better after that.
  13. I'm not using an intake. Two adapters with fuel forms the body of a rocket driven spaceplane. The two adapters contain just enough fuel to have the plane take off from the runway and get into space (where it has to refuel to land).
  14. Frankly, I don't understand your negative attitude. By the way, all the S2 craft i designed fly excellent, but then again, i modified an adaptor to contain fuel. It makes the part more heavy but now it has a (double) function.
  15. In older versions the parameter consumption was specified in the part.cfg. How is it definable nowadays?
  16. A superb (air-)craft! Two additions to the launch procedure: - Set throttles to maximum - after take off set smatass on Kill Rot.
  17. That's probably the thing that almost every user desperately wants now
  18. Completely senseless destruction! How very Kerbal!!
  19. What is preventing you from modifying their weight in the part.cfg's if you consider them too heavy??? Personally, I´ve modified one of the adapters to contain fuel because it's illogical to have an empty part.
  20. Squad has said on several occasions that it can't be done so it wouldn't surprise me if they 'assimilate' this part/these parts into the stock. It will be a real addition to the game, wished for by many users ever since the beginning of the game. Many modmakers have added special things to KSP but usually they knew in advance it could be done. This is different, it was created against the current belief that it couldn't be done. Several have tried it nevertheless (without succes). Thereby enforcing the belief. And now .. the common belief has been proven untrue.
  21. It gets better and better! You've really thought it through.
  22. I think the stiffness is just about right considering there's over 240 tons on top of it. Is the stiffness related to the load on top or fixed at a specific value? If it is fixed, it probably is best if the user can adjust the value through a right click as the best value can change with every vehicle or load. By the way, the braking is a bit too strong but have you ever seen an M1A1 tank do an emergency brake at 50 mph? skip to 34'.
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