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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. I must agree with SkyHook. Every part of the shown crafts is signed. WHY???! The design IS nice (it reminds me of the IFN mod, which i liked very much) but i won't use it due to the visual abuse (except perhaps the capsule).
  2. Bobcat, i bow deeply in admiration! What a great vehicle! Superb!
  3. A picture says more than a thousand words, so here are two words: Thank you! and two pictures to show how great this rotating dish really is. Two screenshots of the (equally great) DEMV with the rotating dish on top taken right after each other. The rotating dish really makes it 'alive'.
  4. Just a silly thought perhaps, but why don't you create a spare tyre (make it a commandpod, crew = 1) and stick it somewhere on the side of the bus.
  5. Do you have an old version of the CART plugin by any chance?
  6. That is probably caused by the KSP main settings. Tab graphics - Scatter density. If that is set too low it can cause this.
  7. Did you create those yourself or are they in some mod pack?
  8. I like the design very much. Would you mind sharing the craft file?
  9. It won't work that way with any existing vehicle at the moment. The vehicles only put a lot of torque on the frame until something brakes.
  10. Saphira and i haven't been able (sofar) to get it working. Saphira hasn't even been able to design a proper craft yet due to the problems. As it seems Saphira's problems might take a little while longer to solve i have made my own flight. I've added the Fuel Transfer mod version 0.2.1.. The flight went without any problems. The fueltruck has landed and all the fuel and RCS tanks of Khyrons Minmus Prime Base have been filled to the brink. The fuel tanks have been topped of again with the fuel remaining in the CargoPlatform Debris which lies some distance away from Minmus Prime Base. If any vessels on Minmus require a refueling, please notify me and i will do so in my next flight. [spoiler = Pictures] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot201.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot204.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot206.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot210.png The new persistence file, turn 19 :https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/persistent.zip Please sign Saphira up for another flight. Please sign me up for another flight.
  11. I've just done the same thing with version 0.2.1. Younata, you've really improved the mod. The option to recover fuel from debris is an incredibly useful tool for cosmic bases. If the orbital construction mod would reclaim parts as your mod does fuel the possibilities would expand exponentially. Oh, sorry but i have to retract the score of 11. Make it 12.
  12. What ever the outcome, thanks for trying!
  13. Normally i would say, the more wheels the merrier, however not in the case of the Crawler. I urge you to try the tracked approach first nevertheless. I know it is believed that the cartplugin probably can't simulate tracks, but i think there is a workaround possible. I'll explain. Take the Bigtrak_bike. It has only two wheels, yet it stays upright. The trick is that the creator used an invisible third wheel. Then the tracks on the Crawler. In principle a track consists of several metal plates connected to each other (forget about all the other parts to keep it simple). An animation of a moving track can consist of just three or four images which are repeatingly played quickly one after the other. It will probably need more images as the crawler moves (very) slowly. Now you have a rotating track without it moving. Then use the same trick as the Bigtrak creator used: create an invisible wheel for each (inside or outside) track with stearing and drive function. The running surface of that wheel should be slightly lower than the track. It would be nothing more than a cart on four wheels. Could that be possible in your opinion or has my imagination overloaded my brain?
  14. buhwuwwuhwuhwuwwh .... Sorry, i needed to pick my lower jaw from the floor before trying to 'say' something. My lord, this is un-be-lie-va-ble! If you would only create just ONE of those things, i would already have too few thumbs to express my admiration! If you could create the crawler .........! It is indeed possible to create your own tower with the parts in f.e. the Damned Robotics mod, but it isn't practical. The parts will never stay solidly together and you create an enormous lag. One detaild part like the image would be much, much better!
  15. Would you mind explaining: 1) How i should read the graph? 2) What does it represent? 3) How did you arrive at that formula and those numbers?
  16. I don't think you could call the Borg von Neumann probes just because the incorporate conquered races into their 'hive'. Every conquerer in history incorporated the knowledge, skills and people of the nations they conquered into their culture. That doesn't make them into von Neumann's probes. But let's not make this into a Star Trek thread and keep to the subject.
  17. You're right Lazurkri. I overlooked the fact that only a very small amount of AM - M is neccessary. The magnetic shielding occupies most of the space, so the matter could very well be an integral part of the AM fueltanks.
  18. By the way. The unknown sensor, could it be a sensor which measures the strength and direction of a magnetic field?
  19. A musical instrument ([ATTACH=CONFIG]32774[/ATTACH]) which can create KSP parts?!!!!! What will they think of next! Seriously, you're not a hobo just because you're temporary in-between jobs.
  20. I like the shape and color of the AM fuel tanks. The only thing is .... where is the matter? Anti-matter rockets can only have extra energy when the anti-matter annihillates itself with matter. Without matter they are as powerful as matter rockets are (without anti-matter). So where is the matter tank?
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