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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Now that you're still working on the landing gear, could you add a double wheeled gear as well please?
  2. Strictly speaking, the four mentioned mods are neither, so are allowed by the current rules.
  3. @Rasseru - This challenge is comparable to a scenario i'm still wishing to complete one day, namely altering the orbit of a small asteroid/comet with a landing contraption like the one in the challenge. (So i like it and will certainly try this challenge out soon). Do you realise that you've left a loophole open in the rules? You have't mentioned that using mods like the gravityspa, the instant-orbit, hyperjump and the orbital construction mod are is not allowed. The same applies to manually modifying the persistance file. As such i would suggest adding a rule mentioning that and a rule mentioning that in doubt your judgement will be final. Frankly, i don't like the way the score is calculated now. It doesn't take effectiveness of the delivered fuel and engines into account. Example: - A lander with one 200 tank connected to six 1200 engines would score 1441 points (excluding bonus). - A lander with one 200 tank connected to one 1200 engine would score only 241 points (excluding bonus). Both landers have exactly the same effect. In a way this reduces this challenge to a "delivered weight" challenge which is a pity considering the scenario. Personally i would have chosen for awarded points per x units of delivered 'impulse' (not sure if that is the correct term for engine thrust times fuel amount devided by consumption rate).
  4. Apparently the latest fascion on Kerbin after the many space missions of Jeb Kerbal. A real hype! Seriously, it looks like a bellshaped dress/skirt which made me think of that. (And without texture it isn't really recognisable as the design of a spacecapsule)
  5. Thank you, Speedio. That makes everthing completely clear. I'll download pidgin and i'll be seeing you soon on the IRC channel.
  6. I've said it before: Anariaq, your designs are simply astounding. If only you would go further than just the design and realise a real addition to KSP. So far, you've designed things that really make the viewers of your design drool. Yet, none of them have ever gone beyond the render images. Frankly, i'm wondering if this thread wouldn't be better situated in the "Art" section instead of the "Add-on development".
  7. I would say the command pod of the lander. The same windowshape can be found on a previous shuttle and on the previous lander (was it called the firefly?).
  8. TheCardinal

    Irc ?

    ÃÂRC has been mentioned in several threads, but i have no idea what it is or where to look for it. Can somebody explain IRC to me and how i can use it, please?
  9. Could you explain what caused the "1 transfer per instance bug"? (Just curious).
  10. @alone - Can't you correct that by rotating it a just little (with the shift key)?
  11. Could you alter the mod in such a way that the jumping ship appears at a specific point in space with a specific speed and a specific orientation? That would make alternate launchpoints possible.
  12. Thanks, Younata! I will be testing the mod a.s.a.p.
  13. Is there any word on the addition a few asteroids?
  14. Just post a message "Sign me up for a flight" in this thread and Khyron42 will notify you when it's your turn.
  15. Thank you, Vostok. I have never heard the noun before and looking for 'before ken' gave no clue. I believe now that the solution is darkness.
  16. @Yogui. An off-topic question. What font do you use for your logo and texts?
  17. Would someone be so kind to tell me the meaning of "beyond ken"?
  18. Why don't you rescale the existing ones? In 0.16 you are free to give those "huge" ones any size you want.
  19. Is it a bird? A plane? Superman?
  20. I had to check the dictionairy several times to find the meaning of several words. Some of them are quite rare. I got the distinct impression that it concerns something astronomical (or space). Moon, star(s), satellite, meteorite were the things that first came to mind. Star(s) seem unlikely because of "wander twixt object", moon and satellite seem unlikely because of "roars of noise". I guess that thinking of the launch of a satellite is too far fetched. So the most likely candidate is meteoor, meteorite or falling star if you like. If it's not that, is it something astronomical or not?
  21. Every person is unique as are there brains/minds.
  22. The riddles are bit harder for those whose native language isn't English. Some niceties like the difference between Mark and Marker can "lead astray". But they are a nice intelectual challenge. Yes, you have. In fact your mind is unique (like everyone elses ). @flaillomanz: a (magnesium) flash?
  23. This is a tough one! Every time i look at it something else comes to mind. Now i'm wondering if it is a memory.
  24. Thank you for showing your plane, Giggleplex777. It is a very nice design but it differs too much from the real thing for me, sorry.
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