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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. I guess you're thinking of a scenario where your lander is about to land when the fuel goes out and now you're asking if a landing with just the thrusters of the astronaut is possible. Frankly, i've never tried it. The fuel in the suit will probably only be sufficient for a succesful landing when the craft already has lost a lot of altitude and speed. I can't tell you what speed and what altitude, but there is a simple way to determine those values. Land an astronaut on the Mun and get him out of the ship. Then thrust up contineously with his personal thrusters until his fuel runs out completely. If you keep track what speed is achieved at which altitude you know what the maximum speed is at a given altitude which can be neutralised by the thrusters. The speed and altitude achieved when the fuel runs out is the maximum speed at which a safe landing by the astronaut is still possible. You'll probably be able to extrapolate the determined values into a graph. Bear in mind that those values are only approximations. Even a landing when not all the speed is neutralized can be survivable when the speed is not too high.
  2. In spite of what i wanted, i haven't had the chance yet. But i certainly will try!!! I've been wanting to create my own parts for as long as i play KSP. Plenty of idea's, just not the knowledge to bring them into practice. Hopefully with your description/video i will be able to do it. Your video does make it look ever so simple.
  3. Younata, would you be willing to alter your mod in such a way that the contents of ZO2 tanks can also be transferred? One of the downsides of the current KSP is i.m.h.o. the lack of dependency on life support (very unrealistic). I know it will be added some day by Squad but the ZO2 mod is a nice workaround until then.
  4. I've been giving this some thoughts the last two days. In a way it is difficult to answer as we don't know what new options 0.17 will give. Those options might influence everything. Personally i like the idea of coöperation, i.e. multiple landers at one or more locations. Multiple landers at one location would (in the real world) enhance the chances of survival and give more possibilities and time for research. In the game, it will make the challenges more demanding as you have to land close to the other craft(s) or find ways to get it close in an other fashion. But what do you with a lander which lands very far away? Declare it a failure and delete it? And if so, at what distance will it be considered a failure? (The next thing is partly based on speculation) According to what i've read there will be a possibility to save persistence files for several users in version 0.17. Wouldn't it be sensible to create a 'user' for every body in KSP? Participants who want to land a craft on body x should do so under the apropriate user. Crafts that have landed (and their debris etc.) on other bodies are saved under a different "user" and will not be there. Thus lightening the load on computer and memory, avoiding lag and simplifying maintenance of the body x persistent file. However, the downside of this is that it will require a lot more "bookkeeping" which mods have been added to body x.
  5. No, it doesn't. For that you need the specialised part in the kethane mod (which generates it by itself) This mod determines the altitude of the area underneath it and allows you to get a geographical map of the object your craft is circling.
  6. When ik look at the posts in this thread, all are from persons who are quite new to the forum, quite willing to learn. Well, here's someone who has tried several times to create a part and failed miserably every time to create a part accepted by KSP. I will try out your description tonight. It would be extremely helpfull if your description would be accompanied by a step by step YouTube movie. In every case, thank you for the description. Who knows, i might even succesfully create my first part!
  7. I'm more in favour of a memorial for every unknown astronaut, hidden somewhere on the Mun.
  8. In version 0.1 it was the same. Put both parts on one ship and neither works.
  9. Just for vexx32: What has been large and is now infitissimally small? What has been bright shining and is now a dying spark? What has been full and now is but a drop?
  10. Wow! The looks very intricate. Does the user see the same in KSP? Isn't a lot of the detail lost?
  11. Hmmm, seems like a good guess!
  12. I've tried it and they seem to be working fine for me.
  13. Thanks a lot for the external fuel tanks. Your experience is clearly visible!
  14. For those who want to use MechJeb for their flight i recommend using version 1.9.0. Version 1.9.1 has some quirks which make the flight(s) much more difficult than version 1.9.0. (I found out the hard way). This can be done without causing damage to other ships. My previous flight was an utter failure, this flight was not. On the contrairy, i achieved what i intended after i found out that trying to land very soft can be disadvantageous. Initially i tried to land with a maximum speed of 0.5 m/s. This caused the craft to (over-)correct the horizontal speed, ending in a crash. After setting it to 2 m/s, it landed a bit bumpy but without any damage. My main goal was to enlarge Minmus Prime Base located on an ice lake with a garage and a cargo landingplatform (both Spaceport parts). Due to instability issues, i've made it two garages and a Cargo platform. My craft came down at a considerable distance from Minmus Prime Base (as intended). To get the garages and landingplatform close to Minmus Prime base i used the slipperyness of the ice lake by pushing the parts to their target with rovers. I had to let the rocket stage fly off to get the platform clear. It crashed on the surface, unbelievably only exploding one empty fueltank and a node. The remainder still contains 4390 fuel for refueling purposes. Perhaps it can be usefull later on when the fuel transfer mod is added. Minmus Prime Base now is ready to receive tourists and cargo. (Note to tourists: You should bring your own habitat along, currently no vacancies available at Minmus Prime Base) New persistence file: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/persistent.sfs Images: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot-1.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot-2.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot-3.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot-4.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47942810/screenshot-5.png Please sign me up for a new flight.
  15. Wow, nice work, Dani! The drill would also be beautiful as a hydraulic landingleg.
  16. Retractable, pneumatic, actively steering in different sizes. You must be .... SANTA !!! Thank you SANTA !!
  17. Some remarks before i commence my flight. 1) according to the persistence file i have now Wildkittyv1 has added the KW Challenger Pack v0.5 (i get a missing part KWLiquidEngine1mH2 which is from that pack). Please add that pack to the required mods list. 2) changing from cart132 to cart133 has caused the hstwUAZ to appear as missing part. After checking both versions it became clear that hstwUAZ wasn't added to cart133. So i removed the hstwUAZ from my craft. After attempting to launch i got the missing part message also for another craft, so I've added it manually from version 132 to cart133 to prevent the disappearing of that craft. Please notify users to do the same. 3) the mod i'm adding is not station parts but spaceport (i misnamed that in a previous message) 4) Ive noticed that Mechjeb 1.9.0. has been changed to Mechjeb 1.9.1 in the required mods list. and now i'm on my way to minmus.
  18. That is really G R E A T news!!! By the way, in the movie i saw the plane being driven from the SPH to the runway. It looked like the front landing gear was steering. Is steering implemented or was there some trickery involved in the movie? (If it really IS stearable then that would be an immense achievement!)
  19. Your entitled to your opinion but i don't agree with you. The design is nice and the gleaming metal is lovely. Not just because it is rare among the KSP parts but mostly because it represents perfectly how much work is needed to make the (real) rocketparts. I sincerely hope you'll continue to make comparable parts like larger tanks.
  20. In that case i won't participate with your challenge as it is pointless. Users who would use the named mods (or by editing the persistence file) are allowed to do so under the current rules. Thus, the beautiful scenario is reduced to "who can design the largest craft with the most engines". There's no need to launch it with rockets from Kerbin, just use f.i. the instant-orbit mod to put it instantly in orbit and fly it to Minmus. Those users would have such an advantage that there's no sense in competing.
  21. It's probably located somewhere beyond your screen. Go to the PluginData directory, find and enter the MuMech directory en delete the cfg file there. That will reset all MechJeb screens to their default value.
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