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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Your lifeboat really is a lifeboat! My Kerganouts just took a plunge from an apo-ker of 102,000 m, nose first, into the sea. (I forgot to pause the game). All three Kerganouts survived and the WEKA lifeboat stayed intact, it only lost the left tail wing.
  2. A magnificent design, the Weka. I found one small problem though. If you detach the linear aerospike from the tank/body, it will not attach itself anymore, nor can anything be attached to the bottom of the tank. Is there any progress on the custom decoupler and service module for Weka?
  3. Jeez! This is a mod which makes me drool. Next time i check out this thread i will be wearing some cloth over my mouth. :-X
  4. TheCardinal


    A hi to you all, Kerbin space-farers. I discovered KSP only two days ago and i\'m absolutely hooked. I can\'t wait until i\'ve got my hands om KSP 0.14.4. It\'s amazing what the developers have built. I always had a fascination for space and rockets; now a can start my own (Kerbin) space-race! I know i still have to learn a lot but i\'m getting there (the Mun). So far i\'ve made it to a Mun-ar orbit, unfortunately the rocket ran out of fuel and the three brave Kerbonouts are still drifting in space, alas. In the time to come, i probably will be read more than react in the threads. As said, i still have to learn a lot. The Cardinal
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