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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Hmmm, sounds to me like you\'re requesting a black box.
  2. Thank you, Braun. Personally, i dislike the protruding landing pods. Your mod makes many craft much more estetically pleasing!
  3. ? I had some ideas, but all needed more crafts and that\'s quite awkward. Thanks to anyone who will reply me. Also, so awesome job r4mon. There no other way, besides with an other craft. Build a movable camera with a cart or truck. Launch that first. Just drive it to about 1 000 - 1 500m distance. Make sure you have a good view of the launchtower. Press escape and go back to the Space center. (DO NOT PRESS END FLIGHT!). Build your rocket and launch it. Before really launching it, press F7 or F8 until you see the view from the movable camera. Now press the spacebar to launch your rocket and enjoy the view.
  4. Great work, DYJ. The rotation already makes the camera much more versitile, but it lacks the up-down movement which would make it the best possible. F.i.
  5. A washing machine bot ..... It would make a perfect 1 person manned pod Kerbal style.
  6. I agree with Blinkin. This mod makes the game so much better, that it should become a default part of KSP. However, the same applies to MechJeb.
  7. Thank you for sharing this awesome mod, jcogs. You do realise that you will be swamped by requests from now on? (Startrek, Babylon 5, Star Wars, Alien etc .....).
  8. U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! ! ! :o I know the rules state that the source must be provided, so i\'m hoping you\'ll be willing to post the source a.s.a.p.. If not, please PM me. A supurb video, by the way!
  9. It works for me and I just found out that it isn\'t even necessary to attach a MechJeb. But you should disengage the autopilot and/or cut the thrust on the stage before switching to the orbital map to enable switching to other 'vessels'. * edit - added screenprint of stage just before crashing into the sea*
  10. Eeeeh ... Dolkramp ... are you serious about that stroke? If so, open the the spoiler at your own risk! Place a MechJeb AR202 case on the required parts which you want to follow detached. After detaching toggle the Orbital map. Double click on the detached parts to switch to that 'vessel'. All camera\'s on the detached part are now usable until the detached part crashes unto the surface.
  11. That\'s not the problem. The problem is that the sound keeps diminishing until it is completely gone (and remains gone) eventhough the vantage point (view/camera) has changed.
  12. I found a small error when using the camera. I had the focus on a camera on the jettisoned stage. The engine sound of the ascending stage became softer and softer. (which is of course as it should be). After a short while the camera flicked out and the normal (over-)view of the ascending stage was shown. The enginesound never the less became fainter and fainter as if the camera on the ascending stage still recorded the sound. Finally the sound was completely gone.
  13. It probably is impossible but if the view of two camera\'s could be combined somehow it would allow for stereoscopic view. (just something i was thinking of) A marvellous addon, R4m0n!!
  14. What happens when you\'ve got more than one of that part (in several stages) and you press b? Do they all explode or just the one from the active stage?
  15. It can be quite irritating when you can\'t load a craft or when crafts are removed from a persistent/quicksave file due to missing parts. On the other hand it is irritating as well when KSP abends due to too many installed mods. I intend to develop a means (in VB6) to determine which parts/mods are minimally required to load a craft (or all those present in the persistent and quicksave files). Currently i have completed the program which collects data from al the part.cfg files in all subdirectories below a given directory and builds the parts database. Works is in progress on the second program which analyses the .craft (or .sfs) file and determines which parts are used. The database is then used to specify the requiered mods. For testing purposes i would appreciate if KSP users would post some .craft or .sfs files in this thread. If asked, i will post the parts/mods list of the posted files (as soon as the program functions).
  16. Nice plane! It reminds me of the F4 Phantom jet.
  17. How about the warpcore of the USS Entreprise (The Next Generation)? (Although i like the idea of the first atomic bomb as well)
  18. Are Kerbals silly? If so, i\'m feeling very Kerbal at the moment because you\'re absolutely right. :-[
  19. Does that contraption steer properly, Tosh?
  20. Is there any chance that this mod will be made compatible with 0.15? This mod is unique as it allows to move (very) large objects.
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