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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Not quite, Luxmaster-CZ. I've noticed that two of the small mods i've added are not listed there (the DEMV and the Rotating Antenni, each consisting of just 1 part). I'll PM Khyron about it.
  2. Landed on Minmus and founded Minmus Prime at the same location as in KSP 0.16 then landed some more buildings there (Cargo Platform, Passenger Platform and Space hotel). Still needs some sheds, a tank farm and some exploratory vehicles. (And as soon as someone creates some inflating habitats, them as well). Please sign me up for a new flight (to Minmus). [ATTACH=CONFIG]33502[/ATTACH]
  3. THREE WEEKS???! And you are able to create such wonderful machines???
  4. The remark wasn't meant to be nice or rude, just literal.
  5. No, it doesn't. But it does require some specialised parts (hook and ring). I was thinking of this system http://www.orangebins.com/files/TightFit.JPG That system can be used for all kinds of payloads, closed or open.
  6. That is indeed what i mean. This one of the possibilities. An other one is a hydraulic cylinder with an extending arm (like a capital letter T with the left part cut off). The arm ends in sort of a hook which grabs a bar connected to the payload. The cylinder extends vertically (thereby lifting the payload), rotates, shortens vertically (thereby dropping the payload). I'm not very good in making drawings, but i'll try later on.
  7. Probably difficult to realise, but i would suggest a module (on the DEMV2) which is capable of loading and unloading carried payloads. That will change the DEMV from 'just' an exploratory vehicle to a multi-use workhorse, capable of exploration and building modular bases. (Perhaps this can be done with a modified landing foot/gear?)
  8. Please sign me up for Minmus. I liked the spot of 0.16 and i intend to restart building a real base there. Is it allowed to add more than one small mod in one go? I was thinking of adding the DEMV, Rotating Antenni and the Spaceport. (Respectively 1, 1 and 7 parts.) Does "Make whatever flights you like" mean someone can place as many crafts as he likes on the target?
  9. Do you intend to create multiple payloads? And, if so, what kind of payloads?
  10. Just press the F1 functionkey. The screenprints are stored in a subdirectory of KSP called screenprints.
  11. We zullen zien of je gelijk hebt, Kevin. Het zou wel mooi zijn als het zo is! (en ik denk wel dat je een van de jongste, zo niet DE jongste, modmaker bent)
  12. It's not necessary to shorten the mod list. See the PM.
  13. In the past there has been a mod which displayed the number of liters remaining in the tank over the bar. It was called ImprovedFuelGauges. I don't know if it is still available. Edit: The plugin is still available http://dl.dropbox.com/u/46530390/ImprovedFuelGauges.zip
  14. I'm afraid i must agree with kockaspiton, Axel. Xenolith is very user-unfriendly.
  15. Well, i've made a small alteration to the part.cfg. I've added a node (node_stack_middle = 0.0, 0.1, 0, 0.0, 1, 0). It can be used to place a small capsule inside the DEMV or to add a weight or to add what-ever-you-like.
  16. It looks like the DEMV is very stable. Yesterday, it climbed a mountain with a 40 - 45 degree upward slope. That angle proved to be too much going downward, but nevertheless quite an achievement!
  17. Requesting 5) Axles with two wheels (like the DEMV's, no steering or motor neccesary) which can be fitted to any flat surface, to make pulled trailers possible
  18. That doesn't surprise me much, Khyron. The third craft from the left has a very large number of parts; An equisite but problem (read: lag) causing design.
  19. Wizard, i like the dynamically generated images however they are somewhat large. Wouldn't it be better to reduce their size by a third and allow two of them to be placed next to each other? Thus reducing the required vertical space somewhat. At the moment i have 3 of them in my signature. I have over 400 posts, each of them taking the same signature space, so over 1200 dynamically generated images. If i were to add a fourth it would become over 1600. Etc. It wouldn't surprise me if the Webmaster would ban those dynamically generated images if no measures are taken to limit the amount of space taken up by those dynamically generated images.
  20. Bobcat, as a (temporary) workaround, why don't you create a small innocent looking part (make it a commandpod, crew = 1) and attach it to an extra attachment point (to be added in the part.cfg of the DEMV) somewhere on the DEMV?
  21. You could have signed your parts by a non-obtrusive sign or small picture. The size and color of your signature make most of the parts seem like billboards, which is a pity because they are nice. The best way to be recognised as a craftsman is to get people to USE your parts. With such a signature most people won't use them. I can understand your english well enough to understand what you mean to say.
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